Free Austria manifest

Day 889, 15:33 Published in Austria Croatia by Gaganic

Free Austria, the strongest party in eAustria with the KU. Dear eAustrians, I guess there are people who don’t want to concider the will of 30% of eAustrian citizens. I will repeat again: “30% of eAustrian people!”

I am being accused for TOing because I am in RL not an Austrian. I am being accused because I want your voice to be heard. As I said in my last article, eAustria has been led by incompetent government for far too long. There have been numerous mistakes they have done, but they are not accused for being a TO even though most of them are not Austrians in RL.

There are many of Hungarians in congress, but nobody seems to mind that. Nobody seems to mind that the aggressor who kept Burgenland for months has their representative in eAustrian congress. They are even considered as friends(probably not in the public mind, but in the minds of leading eAustrian politicians yes).

No! No, I am not a PTO! It is sad when you try to make some changes you instantly get accused for being a country enemy. When they see that you are strong “enemy” then they try to bribe you. Yes, they tried to bribe me.

Last night I made a friend request to Borojevic Von Bonjar, but I guess it was refused. Message is clear to every single person - I don’t want you here. Well, I am sorry, but 30% of eAustrians wants me here. I want me and my party members to be part of the goverment. Until you start seeing us as representatives of 30% of eAustrians voters the Free Austrian congressmen will vote NO on every law proposal.

The political battle that is in front of us is hard, but the justice will prevail. As you can see I already candidated for country president and I expect the vote from every eAustrian who wants to make this country livable and honorable.

We can win this time. We can make a revolution. We will not be the citizens of the second order.

I believe the better times will come, but only Free Austria is capable of finding the right path. Not only because we are Free Austria, but because we are not incompetent as they are and we can listen others ideas.

Hail eAustria!

Sincerely, Gaganic