Franz Kafka Vs Gavin Wax

Day 956, 02:54 Published in Israel Israel by Joel177

Presidential election and race is starting again who will get To Be our Next President?

For now we Have 4 Official Condidates :

The First One - Franz Kafka


The Seconed One - Gavin Wax

The Third One - Robbie Lizzini
>The Lantern Society - T.L.S

And The Forth and last condidate - CRoy
> Israeli Democratic Party

But We all Know That the Real "Fight" Is Between Franz Kafka And Gavin Wax
But actually There is No fight at all and we all have to choose Franz Kafka.
If you take a look at the ecenomy model and in the other models like army model you can see that Gavin Wax Giving only bad old Ideas which have been offered before

Franz Kafka is more expirianced and I think that he need to lead us right now - every timr which he did lead us it was one of the best for e-israel.
he has long history as Country President

but whats more important right now its the fact that we facing the V2 and that means we need to choose our best condidate right now who can lead us through this hard start .

The Right Man for This job Is Franz Kafka!!

So choose him he is the right choose for you!

Update : It's not just between Franz kafka and Gavin now - Aeroner is also running Areoner's platform is here:[..]1/20

Franz Kafka -Presidential election Platform

Gavin Wax - Presidential election Platform

Joel - Your Assasin