France Fell. Who's Next?

Day 811, 16:17 Published in USA Romania by Lurker9000
Source: [RO] Caderea Frantei. Cine urmeaza?

Yesterday the Americans have occupied the last French region. With this, all the French MPPs against Spain have ended. This means that after almost 3 months, Spain finally is free to participate in other campaigns.

Of course, the French can try to free themselves through RWs. But it will be hard and expensive. Most of these RWs will be free Training Wars for the Spanish tanks. The army and population that follow the orders of Ministerio de Defesa will fight where they have to, that is in the UK.

Hungary, Russia, Serbia didn't bother too much to help France, even if they had signed MPPs. And even if this would have been in the interest of Pheonix. If for nothing else (like a Spanish invasion with the help of French open MPPs), then at least to keep Spain away from the UK, as it was kept away from the Balkans in the last 2 months.

How was such a strategical myopia possible from Pheonix? Simple: France went "in strike" since PEACE was fighting in North America. Although it was a PEACE member, it refused to fight anymore "for others". Why? Because PEACE didn't help them keep neither the Asturias, nor Quebec.

Asturias was important for the iron. Quebec was like Transilvania for the Hungarians: keeping Quebec "was repairing a historical injustice" that happened 250 years ago.

PEACE knew how important were those two regions for France. But correctly put the objectives of the alliance above the French interest.

Because for PEACE to win WW3, it had to wipe out the US off the map. Once this was gone, they could return to once again occupy Spain and Canada and give back to the French the Asturias and the Quebec.

But hey, the French patriots, "the people", "the alligators" that shove votes in the urne, applauded a populist government that declared the strike. The great powers of PEACE had enough with countries like France, which didn't get that eRepublik is a team game. A game where strategic interest primes.

In a game like eRepublik, the individual national interests can be made very easily after the alliance interest is fulfilled. The attempt to satisfy them before the enemies are put down forces any alliance to spread into too many individual interests and to loose everything. Even when it has numeric superiority, as it was with PEACE. And for some time after this, with Pheonix too.

So Hungary, Indonesia, Russia and Serbia dissolved PEACE and made a smalled club, Pheonix. In Pheonix things work on the principle of "shut up and put up, or get out". And the French strike, that cost the loss of North America, wasn't forgotten. So even if it were better that France was helped, you see it was not.

Once France fell, EDEN can concentrate on the UK. UK doesn't have any really interesting resource. But UK did something worse than the "French strike". UK betrayed its allies and went over to PEACE/Pheonix.

The UK betrayed allowed for the invasion of Canada and the US. Further, UK tried to sabotage EDEN's Asian campaign by attacking the US multiple times. And it will always do it, until it is wiped off the map. As Spain couldn't focus on other fronts (like the Balkan ones), as long France was on the map, so will it be with the UK and US.

If Pheonix had a bad taste in helping France, it can't afford not to help the UK. Out of two reasons:

1. If Great Britain is occupied, no country will ever dare betray its allies and go to Pheonix.
2. If the US won't have anyone else to attack, the Americans will come full force against any EDEN enemy. Soon, Poland will raise its babies to captain level. That mean that without something to distract the US, Poland or Spain, EDEN becomes unstoppable. This, for the first time in eRepublik history.

How can Pheonix save the UK? It's not enough to help them just fighting through MPPs. This is how they fought until now, but it did no goo😛 Great Britain has already lost 6 provinces.

So, Pheonix still has to attack someone, forcing EDEN to spread its forces thin again. What attack candidates do we have?

1. Greece - the Greeks have activated Turkey's MPPs. An attack against Greece is a viable threat. And because Greece supplies all the iron for EDEN, it is very possible that a part of the damage heading towards the UK to be used for defending Greece.

2. Croatia - the Croats are the ones that never go on strike and help everyone even if they lack money. And don't make any scenes. So if Hungary and Serbia attack, noone in EDEN will be able to refuse Croatia;

3. Finland - the Finns are the favourite target of the Russians, the Estonians and the Latvians. The bad part for Pheonix is that the Finns play with their head. They don't panic if the Russians take one, two or even three of their regions because they know they will take them back with EDEN help. And eventually, when EDEN will finish with Pheonix doggies like UK or Turkey, Russia's turn will come. So an attack on Finland has small chances to make a big damage drain to EDEN. In general, it produces more damage drain to Russia, which lives on the memories of the battles given by the Finland in Real Life. The Russians think "they are getting even" for what Finland did to them in 1939 and won't give enough damage to defend Britain.

4. Norway - another favourite target of the Russians. Only that the Norse are like the Finns. They don't panic and have patience until the wheel turns. Because it does turn - a few months ago Russia and the UK were very close to wipe out Norway off the map. Today the Norse have occupied Scotia and Northern Ireland.

5. Ukraine - The Ukrainians are protected only by their MPPs with Romania and Poland. They are the source of Iron of Romania, Croatia and Poland. Ukraine has an open war with Hungary. A diversion attack on Ukraine can hijack Polish and Romanian damage drain from other fronts. For example, an attack on both Greece and Ukraine can endanger EDEN's two sources of iron and so can hijack enough damage.

6. Romania - on New Year we saw that it's a little complicated to fight on two fronts. Since then we've done some more bad to ourselves, mimicking France and going into strike. Pakistan is on the map. Turkey has a president and the Bulgarians don't love us that much. Because of this Turkey with its active MPPs against us can reach in 20 seconds to Romania's borders.

A coordinated strike on Greece, Croatia and eventually Romania will make EDEN wonder "who will we help?".

The good news is that the Romanian strike was not total. Officially we've helped Sweden take a bite out of the UK. Additionally, a great number of organized and coordinated volunteers helped the US & Spain to wipe France off the map. Both actions were noticed at the level of the alliance, by the presidents of their countries. A brave gesture from those involved, but which made today Spain and the US consider once more Romania a trusted ally, despite the strike. So the risk for us to become France 2 has substantially diminished. And UK traitors we will never be...

What is left to do? First, we should officially give up the strike. We can't reform EDEN without the help of the countries that have the last word there (the US, Poland, Spain). For the simple reason that all the countries in it depend on them. The US and Spain saw how useful we can be even when we participate as volunteers, in unofficial quality. And both their presidents have thanked us for this and expressed their wish for the relations between us and them to return to normal.

If we help wipe out Great Britain, we close Operation West Europe. The only operations that remain will be East Europe, meaning Greece and its MPPs against Turkey. Croatia and its MPPs against Hungary, Romania and its MPPs against Hungary, Finland and its MPPs against Russia.

The logical order is the one above - Turkey is much weaker than the UK. We and the Croats need serious money to jump the Hungarians, even if we do it with American, Spanish and Polish help. We will gather them while Greece wipes Turkey off the map (with this, we'll close the Turkish MPPs against us and we'll avoid another New Year fiasco).

If we don't help, eventually the alliance will handle things without us. Not as easy. We've shown that we can make a difference even when we fight with our volunteers, not with the entire mobile army. But they'll manage without us. And they'll learn that when we're needed, we sit sour in a corner and play with our thumbs.

The ball is in our court.

Editor's note: I feel obliged to point out in the end, because it wasn't fair to modify in any way the above text, the following: " We can't reform EDEN without the help of the countries that have the last word there (the US, Poland, Spain). For the simple reason that all the countries in it depend on them. ." That's the whole point of the article in my opinion.
Other ideas would be if we don't kiss something of US, Poland and Spain (because, obviously, there are no other countries in EDEN), we won't be helped like France, even if (or especially if) we are attacked in our original regions. That's the kind of warning EDEN sends through its representative in Romania.
Translated comments to the article coming, so stay tunned/subscribe.

This article is published in English because I do not know of any draft in English of this, and it seems to be made entirely in Romania (although, from its content, I may be wrong). It is translated, in other reasons, for eRepublik citizens to see what kind of propaganda we're being fed here in our own damn language. This is a personal taking of positions, although, as you will notice, many Romanians including the president andyr have seen well through this bull.

* Note: Glosar">