Fourth View From Congress

Day 1,647, 12:41 Published in Ireland Ireland by Death and Taxes

Hi there.

It won't come as a surprise that I will be running for congress tomorrow, so this article should be seen for what it is, designed to garner enough votes to be successful.

What I will do is to back up my case as to why you should vote for me.

I've written three articles on my term in congress:

First Day in Congress
Restoration of Ceann Comhairle
Third View from Congress

The second article is the important one, where after a 'suggestion' from iBhoy, Winston Hope Smith & I worked to implement a restoration of the position of Ceann Comhairle (house speaker).

If elected again, I intend to use this term to continue with my desire to bring about a restoration of the Dáil. That is, to stop the Dáil from continuing on as a rubber stamping exercise for the government.

The role of the Dáil and its TD's are to represent the citizens of this country, and make the president and his/her ministers to account. Presently we do nothing of the kind. This is something that is not going to happen overnight, but it's a gradual change we all can believe in.

If you are not prepared to vote for me, I ask you to vote instead for my colleagues in the Irish Freedom Party.

Good luck to all candidates.
