Foundation of Ministry of Press EG

Day 4,072, 17:07 Published in Egypt USA by Ministry of Press EG

After the foundation of Ministry of Defence, the Egyptian Cabinet would like to inform you about a new foundation.

Ministry of Press EG

Until now Ministry of Foreign Affairs EG had the responsibility to inform the Egyptian people about the occurring situations in our country.

From now on this role pass to another Ministry because it is important to separate the jurisdictions.

As long as our country is free again, the Egyptian Cabinet is in discussions with countries which are willingly to have a new round of training war or wars.

As long as our country has 6 territories we can have until 2 very lucrative training wars.

Each one can contain 3 regions which are divided as:

Western Dessert - Middle Egypt - Upper Egypt and

Red Sea Coast - Lower Egypt - Sinai .

Many of new players and some old see these wars as an occupation of our country, something that we think, as Egyptian Cabinet, is a wrong perspective.

The training wars are beneficial in many levels, for gold, for experience points for new ranks and for currency.
This is our point of view and as you see it is working smoothy all over the eworld of erepublik.

At last but not least we would like to inform all the Egyptian players that we are here to help you too.
Just write a message to the Egyptian Cabinet and we will answer you as soon as possible.
If it is in English it would be preferable because, yes we are not in Real Life Egyptians but we also love this Great Country !!!

For any updates about the new training wars we will publish a new article with all the important details.

The Egyptian Cabinet

Hail Egypt !!!