Fortress Civilized Anarchism

Day 879, 22:01 Published in USA USA by CivilAnarchy

Greetings citizens of the eUnited States of America!
And more specifically, a greeting to the citizens residing in the Great State of Florida!
As you should obviously know, Congressional Elections are coming up. Your previous Congressmen, Pizza the hut, is not going to be seeking another term. I have decided to give up my home state of New Jersey to my esteemed comrade, Comrad3. So, obviously, the next best choice is the Stronghold of America, Florida. This is the Fortress that stood up to all that PEACE had to offer so many months ago, and then threw it back in their face. This is the Stronghold that stood strong against innumerable odds, and saved the eUnited States as we know it.

I, CivilAnarchy, of the Socialist Freedom Party, hereby declare my intent to seek a Fourth Congressional Term in the Great Fortress State of Florida under the banner of the United Independents Party!

- Former Party President of the Socialist Freedom Party (2)
- Congressmen of New Jersey (3)
- April 2010 Presidential Candidate (15😵
- Chair of the Government Oversight Committee
- Sponsor of the Small Party Union
- SFP Elections Coordinator
- Former Member of the International/External Congressional Committee
- Former Member of Immigration Enforcement Subcommittee
- Editor of the Congressional Paper
- Former Director of Intelligence of the Socialist Freedom Party
- Director of Interparty Relations of the Socialist Freedom Party
- Congressmen to the Internationale
- Former Commander of the Bear Cavalry (Para-Military Organization)
- eUs Mentor
- TC Graduate

Endorsed by....
Federalist Party
United Independents Party
Republican Party
Technocratic Party
Green Party
Socialist Freedom Party

Now, for policies....


Taxes: I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The taxes of the eUs should be balanced between the needs of the citizen, and the needs of the government. Never should this balance be abused, nor should a citizen be unable to support himself due to these taxes.

Government Companies/0 Skill Hubs: 0 skill hubs are a necessarily program for every country in the eWorld, in order to ensure that new players can get started working. If elected, I would support programs educating the people working at these companies, and support expanding these companies into full education centers, rather than them just being job facilities, and use them to increase the overall education of new players, and hopefully result in making more new players stay.

Market Stability Acts: There have been times in the history of the eUS where we have been attacked. Nearly every Congressmen has an obligation to ensure the stability and safety of their country in any way that they are able to from their position. Not too long ago, there was an attempt on the economic stability of the eUS. If re-elected, I will work towards the creation of programs to predict, and more accurately prevent these types of attacks. To add onto our current protection and create total market security. The people in charge of this branch could range from simple market researchers, to diplomatic Congressmen predicting the next hit.


Train Corps: Congress has always had an observer role with the Military, meaning, as a congressmen, I will not have much say in how the Military will operate.
However, I will support the expansion of funding towards the Training Corp branch of the military, as it greatly helps the retention of our country. In the end, that's about all I can do 😃

Alliances: I fully support an expansion of the Brolliance, to the status that it becomes a significant power in the New World. Furthermore, I will support cooperation and friendship with EDEN, and various neutral powers, to further our goals, and ultimately bring the end of Phoenix.

Social Programs/Activity Boosters/Retention
Small Party Retention: The best educators in this game are the recruitment leaders of the Small Parties in this game. Small Parties are usually more active, and more willing to go the extra mile to gain new members for their party. And it is for that reason, that they are the best educators in this game. With something at stake for both sides, recruiters from Small Parties really do have to put in more effort into training those individuals than most Top Five Parties in the game. In order to fully utilize this, the eUnited States should expand their Six Party Support program, to involve direct contact to these parties, and assistance in the creation of recruitment and retention programs for any and all parties that would accept the help.

Expansion of the Advertising agency: There has previously been efforts in this country to advertise the game on other sites, as well as the creation of departments to deal with recruitment for our country. These efforts must be consolidated into a single branch of government, or active independent group in the eUs, in order to ensure that these efforts can be expanded to a National Scale, as well as ensure that the efforts of each individual do not go in vain.

Erepublik Holidays: Admittedly, this is one of the more...out there policies I thought of. This is the use of Congress approved holidays to get the populous of the eUs doing something. These holidays can be weekly, monthly, ect, depending upon congress decision.
Construction Day - A day where each eUs citizen is asked to donate 1$ to a specific organization. This money is then used to buy either hospitals or defense systems to be spent purchasing defensive systems, or hospitals, for lower priority eUs states or territories.
Income Tax Removal Day - The eUnited States is notorious for having some of the highest income taxes in the eWorld, so how about one day where we fix that? The procedure would go as followe😛 Congress approves a certain day to be "Income Tax Removal Day" or "Income Tax Return Day". Lets say Day 700. On day 698, at approximately 11:55-11:58, one congressmen will propose to change the income tax to 0%. On 11:55, day 699, the tax will drop to 0%. Immediately after this, congress will propose to return the income tax to normal levels, allowing for a 24 hour period where there are no income taxes in the nation. This will give the citizens of the eUs a little break, while ensuring the loss of the eUs government is minimal.
Real Life Day: A day where people are encouraged to write articles about real life events, aspects, ect. This is to promote activity in the eUs media, along with allowing people to get to know themselves a bit better.
Troll d.....ahem. International Media Humiliation Day: An enemy country will be picked, and citizens of the eUnited States will be encouraged to...visit the medias of these countries, or publish articles of their own in the medias of other countries. Citizens will be encouraged gear their comments towards more humorous or negative commentary.

Government Endorsed Companies: This is an idea I've been thinking about for awhile. The creation of a list of government favored companies, that would receive a small subsidization in salaries. The list of companies would consist of companies in the eUs that are chosen by the citizens of the eUs, depending upon how helpful these companies were to their growth as a citizen. This will encourage company owners to befriend and help their workers, increasing the activity of our populace. As for the subsidization, it would merely be a few cents per citizen working there, ultimately costing the eUs government next to nothing. The difference in pay for skill 1, 2 or 3 jobs are usually around 5 to 10 cents. Meaning if we subsidized 10 workers per company, we'd be helping 10 workers for 1$, ultimately costing 30$ per month. If we were to sponsor 10 companies, which would be the ideal number, it would cost us 300$ per month. That's helping 100 citizens, and furthering the expansion of citizen friendly companies, for less than 10 gold a month.

Transparency: As the Chair of the Government Oversight Committee, I have spent my term working towards higher transparency of Congress. During my term, the Congressional paper was revived, which listed many actions of Congress each week, allowing the average citizen to see exactly what their Congress was up to. Transparency is big in the eUs, not just to prevent us Congress from committing nefarious deeds, but to get the average citizen interested in what their government does, and aspire to become part of that government.

So remember, 25th of April, vote for CivilAnarchy....
Unless I'm unopposed, then vote for one of our five other ABSOLUTELY EPICALLY INCREDIBLE SFP Congressmen
Alex Lorre
Manic Eskimo

Everything is Activity, Recruitment, and Retention.
Taxes don't matter
Military does not matter
Diplomacy does not matter

The Power of a Country is the Power of its People.
The Citizens of our country are our power base, supreme in the face of everything. And it is the duty of each and every eAmerican to work towards the expansion of that base of power.
Friend a random person
Write an article
Talk to someone
Invite a friend
Advertise the game
Be a Congressional Blocker -
Do something....


Dance with me eUs?