
Day 598, 10:12 Published in USA USA by Chris Willson

It seems that translating eHungarian news is going to be extremely important because of the upcoming war so Shino and I are going to double-time our translating to keep you, the great eMerican people updated.

Today we look at Mikrobi's opinion of Fortis: Fortis


"A few days ago the forming of EDEN had been formally announced. This is the alliance of the eastern members of ex-Atlantis.
Now, the western ex-Atlantis members have formed as well. It's members, according to the official article, are the USA, UK, Canada, Ireland and Spain(!) using the name 'Fortis'.

Well, let's see why Fortis formed. Now, we can really say, that ATLANTIS is dead.
Fortis would like the bring the North-atlantic nations together because all of those (expect Spain) are english speakers, thinking similarly, they roughly belong to the same time-zone and they also used to be in one alliance.
They want a smaller but better coordinated group than Atlantis, and they also want to co-operate with EDEN. What's more is they want "close relations" with them.

Gentlemen, I do not exaggerate when I say, the Atlantis has reformed.

There is only one little problem we have: Spain is member of AHA (Allianza Hispano Americana) which is quite on the PEACE's side. But the Spain MOFA begs the differ.
Also, the British have already started to complain and deny. They say that they did not join to this Alliance, and they will not join in the short and medium term. This rumor was only spread by the eMericans."

Due to my lack of time I will not be doing a recap or my personal opinion. All I will say is that our allies, from Fortis, Eden, and other countries that aren't in an alliance but were once Atlantis members, need to come together to battle this upcoming PEACE threat. Please continue to read updates from either of these newspapers:

The Harry Dick Times
DoD Daily Orders
A Civil Society
and The Briefing Room

Remember, fight smart, fight as late as possible, and if you're not currently living in a Q5 Hospital region contact Chris Stanwick and he will get you a moving ticket. We are the eUSA and we will come together with our allies to fight PEACE and we will win.