Formation of the Irish Construction Workers Union

Day 764, 08:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by Theus Jackus

On this day, Day 746 of eRepublik, the Irish Construction Workers Union shall be founded. For too long, the people of the Construction Industry have been subject to insufficient wages, poor wellness and lack of employment throughout the country. While we acknowledge that this is mainly down to game mechanics, we feel that more can be done by the GM’s and Companies of Ireland to aid their workers in maintaining positive wellness and a decent wage.

Charter of the Union


1.The union shall be known as the Irish Construction Workers Union for all intensive purposes but it can be abbreviated to ICWU.

Leaders of the Union

2.The union shall be represented and ruled by a Union President, who is to be elected by popular vote within the Union ranks. Other leadership positions are as follows:

i) Union secretary: Shall be responsible for writing all union related articles and shall also be responsible for the mailing of members regarding union votes or actions
ii) Treasurer: The treasurer shall be responsible for the accumulation of donations for the union and the treasurer shall be chosen by the General President
iii) Shop Stewards: The shop stewards shall be responsible for representing the union members within a particular company and one will be only be required if the union members in the company number more than five.

One member can hold a plurality in any of these positions i.e. The President could also be a shop steward within a company.


3.The main objective of the Union shall be to ensure that all Construction Workers receive a fair and decent wage, one that will allow them to maintain their wellness. Other objects include
i) The regulation of the relations between employees and employers, and between workers and workers;
ii) The furtherance of political objectives, consistent with the general objectives of the Union;
iii) The training and education of workers where necessary;
iv) The promotion of equality in relationship to citizenship status;
v) The establishment of a Union Newspaper, that will report on all endeavours of the union;
vi) The furtherance of participation within a company for all workers;
vii) The representation of any Union Member who finds themselves in a dispute with their General Manager;
viii) To raise funds via donation or otherwise for the development of objectives within the Union;
ix) the development of the union organisation to encourage the participation of young members and to cater for unemployed members in a time of great economic need;


4.The Union shall consist of any number of persons who at the time of their application are employed or actively seeking employment and who are willing to accept the rules and principles of the union. They must be currently employed in either a Housing, Hospital or Defence System orientated company.
5. Application for the union shall be done by contacting the Union President, Secretary or the relevant shop steward within their company if applicable
6. An applicant for membership whose application has been rejected by the Secretary or Shop Steward may appeal to the President which may grant admission to membership, or refuse the application, at its discretion.

Entrance Fee

7.While there shall be no official Entrance Fee, all members may be called upon to donate to strike funds at any time. Donations will not be compulsory.

Voting Rights

8.All members of the Union, including the President, Secretary and Shop Stewards shall be entitled to one single vote in any propositions forwarded by the Union
9. A vote must be supported by 50% of the Union for it to passed and accepted. Certain votes will be taken within a company, others within a Union and this will be determined by a council formed by the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Shop Stewards.

Strike Policies

10. Before any official strike is declared, the union must make an active effort to negotiate a deal with the company or companies in question. If no deal can be reached, a shop steward from the company can request a strike ballot. The ballot shall then be held over the next 48 hours to determine a consensus. If the vote is passed, the strike shall go ahead but the Union must give a 24 hour notice.
11. Due to the game mechanics meaning a strike where nobody works would be impractical due to Hard Worker Medals, strikes shall be done via a Hunger Strike. All workers will be asked not to eat, thus lowering the company’s productivity. The Strike Fund shall be used to fund any members who are in a desperate state regarding wellness.

Leadership Elections

12. If at any time a Union President decides to step down, an election will be called by the Secretary. All candidates who wish to take over the Union shall then contact the Secretary making a declaration of intent within 48 hours. The election shall then be held over the next 48 Hours. In the event the the President is also the Secretary, the Treasurer shall take the duties of the Secretary and vice versa.


G-Irish Dreamhouse
Theus Jackus - First General President, Shop Steward for G-Irish Dreamhouse
Michael Gregory Patrick Dunne

I will be actively seeking more members for this union and if any construction workers out there are interested, feel free to contact me. I will get around to appointing a general secretary and treasurer soon and if anybody is interested please contact me. I will also be making an org for this so expect to see any subsequent articles under a different org.

I would also like to thank 5n4keyes who generously donated 1000 IEP, all of which will be directed to the Unions strike fund.