Foreign Expedition

Day 448, 19:20 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Jan Khysl

Foreign Expedition

The Reality Czech
Jan Khysl (10 Feb. 2009)

With the blessing of Red Duck, I will be resigning as a congressman of the Czech Republic. I have full faith in the remaining members of congress and am somewhat disappointed that I must resign from this position. I will continue in my role as Minister of Defense and Ambassador to eFrance and will continue spearheading the major undertakings that I have begun.

The reason I'll be leaving the Czech Republic is to take part in the Romanian-Hungarian War on the side of the Hungarians. I think this war will be one that will shape our world and possibly tip the balance of the world. The Hungarians are friends and while I bear no ill will towards the Romanians, a grand defeat of Hungary could bring the Atlantis-Peace conflict into full bloom in Central Europe.

I hope you forgive me for abandoning the country during my congressional term but understand that I do it in the hopes of returning a better leader and a stronger fighter for my country.

EDIT: Can't leave til I can resign from my job which is tomorrow.. Little bit embarrassing..