For the sake of Austria; Vote Metallon!

Day 533, 18:37 Published in Austria Switzerland by Lynari

Election Day for the Party Presidency is approaching. As of now, we have five candidates: Metallon Elnaz, Langer, Dedgor and Logamac. Because Rot Weiss Rot is the only political party in Austria, it is crucial that we make a good choice for the position. That's why it is so important that we vote for Metallon. Personally, I believe he is going to win regardless. He is the obvious choice. You have Langer and Elnaz, each having served a thus-far-incomplete term in Congress; there is Dedgor and Logamac, each with no political experience at all; there is Metallon. Metallon is currently serving his second term as President of Austria and, more importantly, anybody who knows our history understands that Austria would not exist right now if it were not for him. Metallon has stated that he will not be selecting himself as President of Austria in this upcoming term. Instead, he will make the impartial decision of who he thinks is best.

I'd just like everybody to know that I have nothing against Langer, Elnaz, Dedgor or Logamac, and am actually quite appreciative that Austria has them here. Simply put, I would just prefer Metallon as President of Rot Weiss Rot.

That being said, this is an official endorsement. Vote for Metallon!
