For the Presidency

Day 1,224, 14:26 Published in Austria Austria by Albert Neurath

I was very happy with the results of the Congressional elections on the 25th. My party managed to secure six seats in Congress, including my own. I have now accomplished something that I always hoped to do one day - win 20 Congressional medals. Thank you to the people who made this happen.

I will now turn to the primary focus of this article. I will be running for President of Austria in the upcoming election. This will be the fifth Presidential election that I have run in, and, hopefully, the fourth that I win outright. I have previously served four terms as President of Thailand, one of which was because of the impeachment of a PTOer. During my first term, we managed to completely destroy a PTO group preying on the country. During my second and third terms, we merged with Malaysia to form the FRoSEA, which flourished for months.

My goals for the next month can be summed up by three words: Reform, Reorganize, and Recruit.

Although the government has done well in some areas, it has failed the people in others. Entire departments have stopped functioning, as their ministers either have pressing RL concerns or just suffer a rapid decline in their eProductivity. When this happens, other departments find even more stress placed upon them, as they are forced to take the jobs of their erstwhile colleagues. To minimize the damage to the country caused by this, I will reform the structure of government to alleviate the burden placed upon our individual Ministers, and to make sure the people are adequately served. Although I will expound fully upon my plans in a later article, I will enact the following reforms:

1. All ministries will be consolidated into five Directorates, which will be composed of multiple Ministries. Each Directorate will have a Director and multiple sub-Directors, who will perform all the work of the Ministries under that Directorate.

2. A clear line of succession will be established in all Directorates, to make sure that we always have people doing their proper jobs.

3. Twice-weekly Cabinet meetings will be held between the President and the Directors, to focus attention on national issues and provide quick solutions.


We were fortunate in the last Congressional election, as no PTOers or dangerous candidates made it into Congress. This was accomplished because the four parties worked together for the greater good of the country. Although Congress selection is up to each Party President, a national organization is in all of our best interests. I will work with the Party Presidents to establish both party-wide Congressional primaries and a permanent national voter pool so that we can ensure no dangerous elements enter the Congress and attempt to damage the country.


This is the most important goal of my Presidency. We as a country suffer from a low population. Fewer people are available for the army, fewer productive citizens are working for companies, and fewer people are taking their first forays into politics. We need to begin a full-scale recruitment effort for the country, both in-game through immigration and out-of-game through recruiting efforts. My goal for the country is to double our active population by the end of April. To accomplish this, I will need the support of the entire community. As such, I will hold an open IRC discussion for citizens to come and talk about recruiting methods. We owe it to ourselves to make this country stronger, larger, and more powerful.

Consider me on April 5th

Albert Neurath