For the little guy, our friends in need

Day 710, 12:48 Published in USA USA by Teucer

Something awesome is happening in the New World right now. Up until recently, resistance wars were scarce; they cost a lot and the odds of success were always very low. Oppressed nations and citizens had better things to spend their money on than freedom, since their conquerors were the likes of Hungary and Indonesia; strong, dangerous countries capable of beating down any rebellion. But now in the last few weeks, I have watched oppressed nations begin fighting back and fighting with everything they have for their freedom.

The world watched as the USA regained all of their regions along with their partners Canada and EDEN and now the US is paying back their supporters and helping the small, neutral countries that have long wished for their freedom. We have seen victories in India, Belgium, Australia, and many others as the US military and an allied cast have assisted those in need. We have seen private citizens and organizations like SEAL Team 6 jump into the fray as well to help their neighbors, even if it cost them money to move and fight.

While PEACE brought "peace" to the whole world with threats and war, EDEN and the Brolliance have truly stood up for the little guy even after our personal wars were finished. So, I urge my brothers in arms in oppressed nations to keep fighting hard and fill your hearts with hope, for your day will surely come.
