For The Greater Good

Day 1,493, 08:51 Published in Denmark Germany by Flitwick

So, now it is time to tell about what is going on. I have had to keep secrets for far too long, but I assure you all, it has been for the greater good.

First we wanted to liberate the regions, then we wanted to NE Sweden, then Norway, then Sweden again. So, why all this? Here comes the short explanation.

Two months ago, or something like that, we were approached by ONE HQ anti PTO team. This was led by Kibla. I have written about this many times in the past, so I will make the rest short.
They wanted to help us against the Romanian PTOer Han Solo 8. We asked Sweden (Lonestar) if this was a good idea and he assured us, that they were only here to help.
Today we are in risk of a full PTO by Serbia. The ones that was here to help us, is now trying to destroy us.

In a few days it will have been one months since the last congress election. This went fairly well in Denmark but was a disaster in Norway.
Sweden had promised that they would help Norway to only have a few regions during the elections. The regions they would let Norway have was decided and the Norwegians ran for congress here. But on the 25th something rotten happened. Swedish President Jim Parsons attacked two safe regions instead of two regions where all the Serbs were running. With a few clicks Norway, that was otherwise quite secure PTO wise, was under full PTO. The congress was taken and 10 days later their Presidency was taken by the Serbian PTOer Lav Boris.

Since Lav Boris came into power the Serbs have stolen at least 300000 NOK and 400 gold from the country treasury.

Denmark and Norway got together and made a deal. We were to be occupied by Finland. Helping us with this would be Sweden, Finland and Germany. A plan was made and agreed upon by all parties. Denmark started attacking Norway and when that happened, Sweden said, sorry, we are not going to help you.

I have to admit, that made me a little bit angry. It was not the first time Sweden had lied to us. I just thought they had realized they mistakes.

I told Sweden, that they should be careful about pissing Denmark and Norway off and instead help us or it could go horribly wrong for Sweden.
Jim Parsons reacting to this was, "you just go ahead and try." This is paraphrased though but you get the meaning.

It was now very clear, that Sweden was not going to help us, so we contacted EDEN and asked for help. We needed someone to hold Norway and Denmark for some time, until the PTOers have left. The faster they leave, the faster we get our country back. Until then, Denmark will cease to exist.

This is the will of both Denmark and Norway. Norway will be held by Finland until their PTOers are gone and Denmark will first be held by Ireland and later on Russia. We will let this be so, until Shomy Prevera and his Serbian PTOers have left Denmark and Lav Boris and his PTOers have left Norway.

Follow orders in Den Kongelige Livgarde, keep track of article I and Maine Coon write and keep yourself updated on our forum
We have a section here for real life Danes. To get access, you will have to prove you are Danish.
You do that by connecting to IRC, QuakeNet Server and join #eDenmark.
You can just click on this: and get access instantly.

And at last, good luck to the Swedish revolution. We hope you will get rid of Lonestar and Jim Parsons. The people that is responsible for Denmark and Norway being PTOed. If you get rid of these people, I see a bright future for good relations in Scandinavia again. Until then. Merry Christmas.

Best Regards,
Flitwick of Denmark