For the Burgers!!!!!

Day 1,659, 02:47 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Imoenbg1

This is for you B2 - I hope it makes your day funnier.

Dear boys and girls and citizens of eRepublik. Today I am writng with a proposal for the correction of a grave injustice.

You see, since lately Croatia has relied for its existence mainly on the notorious region of Burgenland, I suggest we rename that state to Burgenlandia , and its citizens to Burgers. Heck, if they oppose we can call them Big Macs, Large Macs, Small Macs, Vegan Macs etc....Of course new changes should be applied to the symbols of the state:

The National Coat of arms:

The Motto:

The cutest thing:

Too bad Croatia is no longer in Mexico, we could have added some cucarazzi (roaches) to the national symbols of state.

Oh, well, you can't have it all!!!!!

P.S I have had the utmost respect for the ordinary Croats ever since we left HELL (or was it EDEN? - same shit). Well I cannot respect Zdrlemmy, Nenya and all other Croats, who sold us out for damage (because that's what they did)!!

Still, Plato, fix that injustice!!!! Long live the Burgers!!!!