For newbies - companies for sale

Day 1,077, 09:32 Published in Turkey Slovenia by dupi
I just sold one of my companies (at a fair price of course (: ), and i realized our newbies are ready to make their own business. I want to warn each of you about the dangers of buying/creating companies.

An advice to newbies: always ask an experienced player when you want to buy (or create) a company! You should lose you golds in a minute.

Companies for sale:

Danger #1 - resource company not in a high region

For example look at the first company on that list (erep time day 1077 09:00):

Price: 18 gold
Earn: 10 gold

If you buy a resource company always check if it is in a high region. Turkey now has only one of this kind of regions - we have high grain in Mediterranean Coast of Turkey (and soon an iron in Central Greece). So this company is unsuitable for production, earns only 10 gold (when you dissolve your one-star/q1 company you get 10 gold back)

(A tip: if you want to create a company don’t forget to travel there where you want to place it.)

Danger #2 - pay golds for a one-minute work

LegoXP Food
Price: 20.94 gold
Earn: 15 gold*

If you check this company you’ll see its never worked, so creating a same as this cost you only 20 golds. (It’s right when you want to create one it costs you 40 gold but from this 20 gold will be on your company’s account which you can easily transfer out via monetary market).

*: there are a lot of non-working companies so i used to calculate with 15 gold.

Danger #3 - licenses

Price: 20 gold (5 gold to a country who occupied the region of the company)
Earn: maximum 5 gold

At q1 companies the licenses are (nearly) worthless, its a good choice only when you want to upgrade it later.

At resource companies a licence for a big, friendly country maybe earns something - but nearly every big friend of us have his own high grain region - and we haven’t got else (now (: )

Danger #4 - products and raw materials in the company

In this case you must calculate (: For example if this company has 200 q1 food and 1000 grain then you should check the q1 food price (0.42, but because of tax its 0.4 only for you, totally 80 TRY) and the grain price (0.04, totally 40 TRY) - and after that convert the 120 TRY to gold (1 TRY is 0.027 gold, so totally 3.24 gold).

Don’t pay more what you get!

Feel free to ask me (in English), and sorry to the named company’s owners.

ps: thanks for's customer support! In few hours they reviewed my inquiry and sent me 1 gold (surveyhead's offer) - don't forget to check sometimes the free gold offers (: