For Congress: Re-Elect Jefferson Steelflex

Day 338, 19:46 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Steelflex

When you vote, you have to choose your party. Choose eRepublikans for Change.
Then click on Jefferson Steelflex.

I will continue to advocate a strong dollar, lower taxes and US neutrality. (although I have not voted on a war yet.....)
I will continue to work with (and sometimes against) my fellow congressmen, even if we disagree on occassion.
If re-elected, I will accept letters from citizens requesting legislation be proposed and I will bring it up for debate in the forums.

As your congressman, I will tirelessly work to keep eUSA strong.
I was Mayor of Sacramento and made California a better place before V1, and some of my programs are still running. I ran the state with honesty, integrity and always resisted corruption. Now with the expanded powers of congress, I will do the same.

I will publish all of my votes and my logic for doing so, and I will NOT ask for permission, but I WILL be fair and give my honest opinion.

Starting today here are all of my votes since V1 passed and why I voted the way I did-

Hospital for New Jersey - NO
Now this was only to get funds out of the treasury I understand that, but I cannot approve of ANY hospital construction. Now I may be unsure if the hospital is actually built, or how it is implemented because v1 is new to all of us, but if in fact the hospital is built for New Jersey, I cannot support that. I cannot support any hospital construction regardless of taking funds out of the treasury until our largest regions get better hospitals. Especially California. I was constantly bashed by certain members of congress for thinking California deserves a Q4. We were told the borders do not need good quality care. WAKE UP. Better care means more soldiers can recuperate faster to fight more battles!!!! This is a personal issue of mine with the rest of congress and I know these will pass either way, but I have to stand on my beliefs.

Tax Change Gift- YES
I support the VAT and Income Tax change to 0%. I do not like the 50% import tax. Our market is glutted as it is. However, I regret that this will not pass, and I will probably support the same bill if it has a 99% Import tax.

New Citizen Fee 5 USD - YES
I support lowering the citizen fee to 5 USD because it lowers government spending, which does not require us to print more money. This in turn will help control the rampant inflation we have seen in the past few days and strengthen the dollar against gold and other currencies.

Tax Change Food- NO
The raising of income taxes on food is irresponsible. Food is such a vital industry they should not be punished with an income tax. This bill narrowly passed, and I regret that our congress has a propensity to raise income taxes, when we do not need to raise them on such an industry as food, which everyone needs.

Tax Change House - NO
I voted no on this as well. Home prices are low, and raising the VAT on house taxes will make them higher and make it harder for low income people to obtain a house. I am happy that our congress saw this and voted this down.

New Citizen Message - YES
This is simply a message the President sends out to all new citizens. Its simple, its helpful. I liked it. I voted on it.

Minimum Wage 2 USD - NO
I do not believe a minimum wage of 2 USD is necessary. The market has already taken most jobs below 2 USD out of the picture. It was basically already in place and the vote wasn't really needed. But I do not regret it being passed, it just seemed redundant as few people even made 1 usd.....

President Impeachment - YES
Roby Petric resgined. We needed an active President in there. TGM is running the country, and we have differences even though we are in the same party. But I respect him as Acting President and will support him.
Either way we needed to get the empty account that was Roby out of there.....

Tax Change Food - NO
I commend congress that this was rejected, but they just came back with an even larger increase. So it is a moot point.

Minimum Wage 3 USD - NO
2 USD was fine, but not needed, 3 USD was too high. It would have resulted in some inflation and put an artificial restraint on the job market. Yes its only 1 USD difference, but neither were really needed, the free market was working fine.

New Citizen Fee 50 USD - YES
Now I proposed this so I voted yes, but I did not expect or want to have this passed.
It was the first proposal of V1 done as a test. I should have warned congress because half of them thought I was trying to wreck our economy or something. But I knew it would never pass which is why it was a TEST.

I hope through these votes my record can show who I am politically and where I stand and I am asking for your vote on October 25th!

Thank you everyone,
-Jefferson Steelflex