For Atlanta

Day 211, 21:51 Published in USA Thailand by Bl1ndn3ss

Some of you know me, some of you don't. So I'll introduce myself.
I am a member of the DeP, an US Ambassador and a citizen of Atlanta. I am also running for Mayor.

Some people will make promises to build hospitals. I will not.
I believe that the Q2 hospital our region owns is more than enough and it can be easily upgraded if needed. There is no need for sacrifice from our citizens, in taxes, and no need for donations.

I WILL do my best to bring new citizens to Atlanta and our great e-country.
Low taxes and a working gifting program are the best way to attract other citizens.

The gifting program will work with the national program because in this time of war we have to take care of our own, not just our neighboors, but all our countryman.

I won't make a promise I cant keep.

But I can promise that will do my best to help you and that I wiil always be available to answer your doubts and open to new ideas.

For Atlanta
