Food Prices & the Minimum Wage Hike

Day 384, 06:12 Published in USA USA by Maxmillian VonWillebrand

By: Zagarius

A funny thing happened on my writing this weekend’s story, I decided to make a spreadsheet of the eUSA economy just to see what goods and services the eUSA provides. It surprised me to find out just how few companies the eUSA has in each product category, for a country so highly populated too. Granted there are many Quality-1(Q1) and Quality-2(Q2) rated companies, but very few Quality-3 (Q3) and higher rated companies.
The next thing I noticed was the price disparity between companies in each Product Sector. A perfect example of this is the Grain Industry, the lowest (as of 12/07/08 3:30 pm PST) is $0.81 and highest is $0.99 for Q1. Q2 jumped, and I do mean jumped to $1.66 to $1.69. Q3 was even worse, with only 2 companies at $2.54. If you noticed the prices for each Q rating was not bad, what the problem that I noticed is just how high the product jumped to the next Q Rating.
Businesses need to plan for a short term loss to reach their long term gains. What I see here is companies going for their gain immediately from day 1. Sorry, that never works. In fact that is what is hurting the eUSA economy!
I understand a company needs to make money to stay afloat, but does that mean they need to gouge the consumer??? And the consumer in the case of Grain is other companies that make Food and so they need to hike their prices up to make money... See the vicious circle? But wait it gets worse, if you look at the food companies offer their wares, you will notice a company by the name of TEA'S, you think it is an American company? YOU ARE WRONG! Comes from Romania, they are out bidding 7 other US companies. In short, we do not need a MINUMUM WAGE law, we need better CEOs and people who are willing to take a los to help the eUSA economy grow and be stable and robust!
Here is the link to the spreadsheet ( for everyone to see with their own eyes. I hope this makes you a believer, if not at least opens your eyes to the real reason we have the problems we have.
Thank you for your time!