Food in V2: Preliminary Remarks

Day 823, 19:19 Published in USA USA by Benedict James

The admins have written in their description of the Products module the following:

"Food has two product components: ingredients and packaging. Ingredients increase health, while the packaging increases happiness. So, depending on your daily needs, you can purchase the type of food that suits best. One day you might want food that gives you a lot of health, while another day you need more happiness."

Here, I think, is the root of everything that could go well with v2. In essence, the saving grace of v2 will be the UNCERTAINTY it introduces into the market. Citizens will have choose one product over another; they will have to assess their wishes with price differences at that time; and will choose one product over another simply because they feel it is better for them, not simply because it is cheaper.

Thus, the introduction of choice at the beginning of the eCitizen's life will greatly enhance the dynamic of the game, precisely because the choices are not merely mathematical, but intuitive: "What do I feel is best for me at this time?"


It is quite easy to predict that employer propaganda will be more frequent as they try to convince citizens that one variation of products is better than another variation of product.

It is also quite easy to predict that prices will tend to be slightly lower on the extremes--all happiness or all wellness--as the majority of citizens will likely favor a balanced approach, therefore reducing demand at those extremes.

Conversely, it is highly possible that most employers will cater to the balanced approach as this would be more marketable and a more dependable market, therefore reducing supply at the extremes and causing the prices to be higher. These two countervailing trends might cancel each other and equalize prices across the board.

Still, a war or other scenario can throw this entire set-up off completely and make one particular variation of product to be in much higher demand than all the others.

The ultimate point is clear, however: what a player buys will no longer be dictated solely by its price, but by intuition and choice. Players of all levels, even low-level players, can decide to buy a particular variation over another---and pay more for it! Amazing!

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