Food and Houses

Day 1,002, 10:45 Published in Canada Canada by Etemenanki

So yesterday the admins started the idea of having to actually consume food on a daily basis. Personally I love this idea as I think it gives those of us who like to keep high health and wellness a better chance to do so. I now have a lot of wellness and happiness that can be made back up on a daily basis. One thing they did not inform us about though was that if we did not have a house and had eaten during the day, at the daily change over our happiness and wellness would still go down four points each. Last night I watched the daily roll over and both my Happiness and Health dropped by 4 points each, 100 to 96. Personally I am not very concerned about this, but it does mean that we need to all take that into consideration. It is also perhaps why some of you are saying your houses did not work last night at the roll over. Is your house a balanced one? Is it possible that your house stopped the four health dropping but was only capable of stopping 1 points of the happiness from dropping? It does point to a reason for having houses, even little cheap ones that can stop us from losing these four points in each.

Also to those of you whom are going to fight, I would suggest not bothering to rest, resting does not give experience either guys (I tested that out today specifically). Sure, in a day your happiness may drop 20+ points, but what do you care? You have 300 points of health you can eat. That is 300 points of health in which your food can also help your happiness come back. Today I have already gone up 20 happiness and only 4 health and as far as I can see, erepublik is still saying I have only used 4 of my health. So instead of resting guys, train, work, whatever and just eat a bit more, odds are your going to be eating a lot to get back health, why not just get that wellness back at the same time. After a small little sampling of some of the cheaper food on the Canadian market, it costs between $0.16 and $0.22 a point. Plan your consumption guys.

I will be running for congress once again under the EPIC banner, though we have not decided where as yet I will be running. I look forward to once again serving you the Canadian public again in this capacity.

Major etemenanki, Minister of Immigration.