Food and gifts need workers

Day 147, 01:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by KIA Sneak

both my companies are in need of workers so if you know anybody or are someone in need of work please post here and i will give you a job at competitive rates.

Wages will start a 1.1GBP a day for a skill 1 worker. I promise to increase your wage every 0.5 skill you gain after skill 2. so wage rises come at 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, etc

because i have a lot of responsibilities in erepublik i can some times overlook wage increases so i ask all workers future and present to tell me when they deserve a raise. if you are working for my companies and you havent received a pay rise but gained 0.5 skill please contact me.

I run my companies with communist politics in mind and this means any profit i make will be spread amongst the workers wages. I always aim to keep my profits as low as possible unless i am hiring new workers.

please join the gifts and food industries as the UK needs your help.