Follow Up To: Gee... I Sure Hope I Don't Get YMCAd

Day 821, 05:13 Published in Australia Australia by M0TT0M

Little 'N' for NO! as in JUST NO!

It has come to my attention that a couple of illetrate F#&%ers have damn well.. well, there is no other way to say this but, they have YMCAd my bloody article. This isn't the only thing they have done though, NO!

You see these little martha fockern cocko-roaches decided to take it up a notch. Yes! that's right, they have bloody macho man'd my article aswell! And I have the PROOF!: ...Proof...

As everyone knows I am not one to name and shame people as I think it is wrong, there are other ways to handle situations like this. So please Br0adside, Viperb10, Darth Spader, Mitch Johnstone, Crusadercarl, and Arthinian please stop it!

Now must I repeat myself?! ...*Yes M0TT0M you should*


P.S After the publishing of this article a CrowdedHouse shake, shake, milkshaked my article too! THIS IS NOT ON!

*Disclaimer: This is just for lulz