Follow the trail

Day 937, 02:58 Published in Canada Ireland by Philip Delle Palme

With the recent loss of 10k CAD in cash and weapons there is a serious problem with security of our government organizations. I have not been in this game for long but I am sure that this isn't the first time that something like this has happened. I am also sure that it won't be the last.

That being said citizens must not be looking for a scapegoat. Pimpdollaz has, in another over the top performace, purposed that the President be removed. He was one of 3 people who were given access and one of possibly hundreds who could force there way into an organization. What we need to remember is that in eCanada, just like Canada, a person is innocent until proven guilty. If it is unacceptable for President Dade Pendwyn to remain as the head of our country then allow the Deputy Prime Minister assume all duties until the President can be cleared.

A congressional removal can potentially end a players political career; At minimum you can expect this to comprimise the power of his administration even if he is cleared.

I ask for reason to rule over the need to assign blame at least until more facts are gathered. We were told that it would take days even weeks for the admins to get back to us regarding this incident and within hours the motion was tabled to have Dade removed.

He was elected for a reason and that alone should require at the very least a thurough investigation before rash action potentially ends a players game.

As Always,
This is OUR Canada
And this is YOUR Northern Corner