Fodder #5 Feb. 25, 2009

Day 463, 15:02 Published in USA USA by Leviathann
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Income Tax: 15% (up 2😵
Salary: $9.06 (down $0.32)
Strength: 2.62 (no change)
ePeen Length: 2" (no change)

Treasury: 237.85g (down 25.24g)
GDP: 1568.56g (down 40.28g)
Exports: 363.22g (no previous data due to error)
Imports: 6.82g (down 59.10g)
Inflation: 1.82% (up 42.02😵
Voters: Not Nearly Enough

Exchange Rates
1g = $59.50 (up $1.60)
A ton of bricks still ≈ 64 million feathers. (no change)

When Alexander the Great was campaigning in Asia, his army cost twenty talents a day, the equivalent of half a ton of silver.

Fresh snow is typically made up of 90-95% trapped air.

During the Second World War, Hitler ordered his engineers to build a giant tank – ironically called The Mouse. It had two giant cannon and was watertight so it could travel under a river. Unfortunately it weighed 180 tonnes, and the prototype sank into the ground.

One trillion seconds ago, Neanderthal man (and woman) walked the earth. The 1,000,000,000,000 seconds since then add up to 31,709 years.

The number of seconds since the Big Bang is one followed by 17 zeroes. Whilst the number of atoms in the Universe is one followed by 100 zeros.

Worldwide we created more information in the last 3 years than in all of previous recorded history.

A pinhead-sized piece of a neutron star weighs 1 million tons.