Flying Unicorn Squadron: Part One

Day 845, 08:20 Published in USA USA by Talvari

Today, I am conducting an interview with Gildorg, who is a Senior member and the current Director of the Flying Unicorn Squadron. They are a part of the many unsung heroes of eRepublik who’s goals are to better our eNation and help those in need of aid.

Talvari: Can you tell me the basic history of FUS?

Gildorg: Um, Sure... It started as the American Air Force and was used mostly as an anti-PTO group. Eugene Harlot named the actual Squadron around the time of WWIII, and it started moving people who were trapped in conquered regions of the eUSA to Florida and other safe zones.

Gildorg: Um about a month ago, the Squadron was recreated by Jude Connors, and four of us were picked to be the main members. Archer Bullseye was picked to be the Director and three others were to be the staff...

Gildorg: Each of us sort of went in our own Direction... The original Four; Archer Bullseye, Nova Coru, Taimati.Magick, and myself. Nova was our Political and History Expert (and still is!!!), Archer was the perfect Director and great for General Knowledge. I focused on Game Mechanics. Tia was another great general helper and the intellectual of the group.

Talvari: What is the mission for Flying Unicorn Squadron?

Gildorg: Our main mission was to get people from the Wasteland States moved to the Fortress States while providing basic game assistance... Answering questions and providing links to helpful information.

Talvari: So what would your secondary missions be?

Gildorg: Secondary Missions, were directing people to other ORGs and dealing with our ever increasing Troll problem and dealing with it appropriately. Basically, giving people a reason to stick around. As you know, the Chat Rooms are a fairly small population, but regulars stick out...

Gildorg: Everyone sort of gets to know everyone else... You build on that reputation... I have people who PM me or contact me as soon as I come into the room now... “Oh, I heard about you, can I ask you a question...”

Gildorg: I detest dealing with Trolls if I can avoid it, but it is part of the Job nowadays... You quickly learn Diplomacy, even if you aren’t very good at it. It goes with the job.

Talvari: So if people wanted to get involved with the Flying Unicorn Squadron, how would they go about doing it?

Gildorg: PM myself or the Director of the Interior. Maxx Johnson. I keep a list handy of people who have expressed interest.

Talvari: What are some traits you look for in new members?

Gildorg: The qualifications are pretty basic... ALOT of availablity (Day-Time hours preferred) to be in the Chat Rooms, a strong working knowledge of Game Mechanics, Maturity to deal with Trolls appropriately. Honesty, so you can be trusted with the Org account and the Moving Tickets we give out.

Gildorg: A williness to help people, and an understanding of Orders and Procedures... We only focus our efforts on eUSA citizens. We will make an effort to assist our Allies, but we do not help Phoenix Nations or it's people... Our focus is on our Citizens... I certainly wouldn’t load the gun for the robber who would to my door.

Talvari: Are you currently looking for new members?

Gildorg: Doing this job takes some dedication, so I try to look for people who have a passion for helping people. I am always taking names for future members. As you know, we are still weak on the Daytime Coverage. Every time I think I have enough, people develop issues that keep them away.

Talvari: Alright, I think that about covers it. Is there anything you’d like to add?

Gildorg : Come into the In-Game Chat Rooms, and check it out, don't be afraid to hang.

Gildorg : If you ever require any further assistance; please go to the In-Game Chat Room under My Places (the first tab) on the Main Menu. Once there, select the USA National Chat Room. Once in there, ask if any members of the USA Flying Unicorn Squadron are present. Any of us would be happy to provide any help you might need! I include that with most of the PMs I send out to people who request MTs(Moving Tickets) from PMing the FUS account directly, and filling out requests on the new Citizen Assistance Form.

Talvari: Alright. Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to conduct this interview with me.

Gildorg: You are welcome... Considering the prettiest girl in the Chats makes a request...!!! I thought I could find the time... (I DO LUVZ MY CHEEZE!!!)

Talvari: Oh Gil, you old charmer!

Seriously though.. If you are interested in learning more about the Flying Unicorn Squadron (FUS) then please visit the following link.">
Flying Unicorn News

Next Article, we will talk to individual members of the FUS and see what its like iinnnn "Flying Unicorn Squadron: Part Deux!!"