Floridians!!! Don't forget to vote!!!!

Day 431, 07:33 Published in USA United Kingdom by Meghan

Hola!!! 'Tis Meghan, running for your congress, I have posted pictures of both sexy men and women to appease my base and to already begin to follow through with my campaign promises. Please don't forget to vota por favor! If you haven't seen my stance for office it is in my pervious article and should still be up in fact. I will make congress a better place, I promise and I will vote according to how the people want. I will be representing YOU! If you want a certain thing passed in office, just pm me and I will do all in my power to fulfill your wishes. I will be REPRESENTING the voter, that is the most important part of the job of congresswoman is to represent. So please, tomorrow, don't forget to vote, and while I would prefer that you vote for me, your vote is very important and you should vote for who you think deserves the job the most.

Once again ePlaygirl thanks you for your time, and have a happy Election Day!!!