Flaco/Elizabeth platform

Day 742, 11:43 Published in Singapore Ireland by Flaco Jimenez

First I would like to say I am sorry Erius dropped out of the race. My intentions in running were never personal. I just wanted to have a real election without a lot of drama which the two of us could have provided. While consensus politics are sometimes good it is always preferable to have choices. I salute his service and offer him my hand in friendship.

Now the platform is relatively simple. As Elizabeth and I fill in our Cabinet we will expand upon these key areas with the new ideas and solutions you will give us.

1. Growth. We need a plan to encourage growth in Singapore. It has been discussed and some efforts have been made but never a sustained, concerted effort to attract new citizens. This will be my Administrations number one priority. I propose a dedicated advertisement campaign in game which I will start off with my own funds, and also I ask all citizens to promote eRepublik in other games or in real life. Focus on how easy it is to play eRep. Two clicks a day is a simple request to make. If only one person you ask joins we can add serious numbers to our homeland. This will increase our revenues, provide for a much livelier society, and add security for us all.

2. Diplomacy. Talking to people is much more reasonable and logical than shouting at them. The focus of Singapore will be on good relations with many different countries. This is a game after all and a good chance to promote RL Singapore on a world stage. I will be seeking out the best people to serve as Diplomats to other countries. Diplomacy is one of the greatest sources of security this country has...Besides the MerLion.

3. Economy. I will ask Congress to work with the new MoF in examining our budget carefully. I will ask that our taxes be scrutinized. I will ask the Business owners of Singapore to contribute time and ideas to help this Administration make wise decisions about growing our economy. I will seek new business opportunities for this country where ever possible. the SGD is a strong and stable currency without being overvalued. This with our strong manufacturing workforce opens the door for foreign business owners to set up shop here and export goods overseas at a good profit for them and the citizens of Singapore.

4. Military. In my opinion the SAF need streamlining. For funding purposes and communications. I will direct the MoD to achieve this task in a manner they see fit. The idea being to have a more cohesive force available for the defense of our country. This is the primary duty of every citizen of Singapore. Be trained in the procedures, supplied when needed, and ready to defend from any threat.

5. Constitution. I would be proud to sign the Constitution when ready.

Thank you for your support.