Fixin to die

Day 920, 18:39 Published in Canada Canada by Bill Forder

Boredom, a common symptom of an everday person
Today I find myself trying to find meaning to my elife, I lost the congressional elections for about the 5th or 6th time in a row and I feel that being a middle aged player sucks.
People, I have a problem...

I think I am in what you would call my emidlife crisis.

Not only do I find myself clicking on my erepublik tab hoping I get a PM but I also am finding I am really bored with my elife. My real life is pretty cool, summer is just around the corner but taht is not the point. The point is as I age in erepublik I am getting less active and am losing my political life to newer "fresh" players. I am not too upset about the new player thing since my old friend karma will get them in 100 days or so.

So instead of killing my profile, I have decided to create a bucket list
1. Get into Congress at least one more time
2. Get into a higher cabinet position in any Goverment
3. Be the leader of a party and lead it into political greatness
4. Lead a political revolution
5. Get a Q5 house
6. Create a successful buisness
7. Help create a baby boom
8. Win a Presidential election
9. Get promoted in the national military or other military group and get a BH medal
10. Create a legend of myself, Bill Forder is a household name

Join me in my mission if you would like, or just leave me be, up to you 😃. That was a list of 10 things I feel I have to do before I quit(die) erepublik.