Five Promises, for a Real Alternative

Day 590, 11:34 Published in Ireland Ireland by Aran Tal

My dear friends and countrymen,

Once again I am running for the position of Tánaiste, or Vice-President, firmly behind my dear friend and colleague Starks Hayter. This campaign has been blessedly quiet so far and I suspect this one might blow that to high heaven but I have never been one to keep my opinions to myself when I felt it was for the betterment of the Irish people not to do so. Instead of engaging in another long and complex campaign like last month I thought it would be refreshing to make just five promises to you which we will uphold if Starks and I are elected on the fifth. First, though a little about me if you don't know.

I'm about five months old, and have lived the vast majority of my eLife in Ireland. I have unique experience in Irish Politics in that I spent most of my first two months abroad. I worked and trained in Hungary, Romania, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, Australia, South Africa, France, Italy, Spain, Russian, South Korea.... the list goes on. In that time I gained an insight into the workings of the world, international relations, macro-economics and the workings of large and complex militaries, resistance wars, wars of vengeance, and the painful and disastrous consequences of the death of a nation. I have since worked hard with several others for the implementation of the Citizenship module, which the Admins promise is coming soon.

At home, as acting Minister of Defence I applied this knowledge during code Petrescu. If you are new, this was a period when Ireland was threatened by a political take-over from certain malcontents in British society. As Trine has pointed out here the entire Irish system worked together and so intimidated the aggressors that the whole venture was ultimately called off.

The promises

I am in the middle of my third consecutive term in congress, representing the people of the Northeast. In Dáil Éireann I have worked mostly on Foreign and Military matters but have been an ardent advocate of accountability and transparency in Politics. I'm a straightforward man, and I hate being deceived. I know you do too. Here's my first promise: We will never lie to you. I think you know what I am talking about.

I was attacked for writing an article in the last campaign which accused the current administration of arrogance. I still believe this is a chronic problem. All too often new ideas are dismissed inexperience, people are urged to listen to their elders and respect those opinions instead of having their own. I believe this is valid at times but a blanket ban on innovation can only be damaging to Irish society and stagnation will inevitably occur. There is only one eRep activity I love more than having a good argument, and that is being convinced by the person I disagree with. So, my second promise: We will listen to you.

After certain events this month there was a huge public outcry, and the President brazenly carried on regardless, his henchmen attacking those who called for change as ignorant upstarts and malevolent revolutionaries. I was so disgusted by his actions that here and now, I admit, that I did vote for his impeachment. Most of the time Nith is a great president but these occasional acts of such incredible disrespect for you and me have soured my opinions. Promise the thir😛 We will be accountable

Believe it or not, the President is a relatively powerless position, and the Vice President has no in-game powers whatsoever, to Congress is given the responsibility of safeguarding our domestic affairs. Every month forty people are elected by their peers to represent their opinions. Congress works hard and comes up with brilliant ideas, jointly conceived and executed as if we were a party-less state. The Irish political system is unique, from what I have seen, in this manner. Once in a while congress gets annoyed about something the president has done, as it has every right to, but in the last few months these concerns have been largely ignored and even mocked as inconsequential. Examples need not be given. Suffice to say: We will treat Congress with the respect it deserves.

Appointing the cabinet is usually a president's first act in power, and it sets the tenor of the administration, focuses its energies and honours expertise and experience of those appointed. Several of the present ministers from beyond my own party have impressed me greatly, despite initial caution, not least Eamon_de Valera as MoFA, and Gráinne Ní Mháille as de-facto Minister of Defence. Gráinne has filled Severin's boots forty times over. I was at the forefront of a group of Commanding Officers who objected to Severin's appointment and quashed any talk of revolt, but was rewarded by being dismissed from my position as a CO, Deputy MoD, and a member of the War Council for my pains. That's politics you might say, but our final promise is this: We will only appoint qualified and respected ministers.

If you would like to read more detailed proposals then please look at our policy documents from last month here, here and here.. Some of the issues we raised then are out of date, and some have been taken on board by Nith's cabinet, which we applaud, but many of them are just as valid today as ever.

I do like Nithraldur, and I do like Severin, they are both honest and hard-working and display an integrity which is admirable and rare. However, I do believe that the Irish people are angry about some issues, confused about others, and bored by others still and I am too. The only way to affect change is to be part of it, and the only real alternative administration you're being offered this election is Starks Hayter and I.

On Sunday, the fifth of July, I implore you to vote for Starks Hayter.

Much Love
Aran Tal*