Fist for a Finger Campaign

Day 739, 21:39 Published in India India by ArjaaAine

Remember the song ->
Specifically - "toot gayi jo, ungli uthi....Paanchon mili to ban gayi muthi"
Translation - "if a finger is raised, its broken. Five together makes a fist"

History: Its a line from a song for an Indian oscar nominated movie "Lagaan" Where a group of Indians are trying to beat Britishers at cricket

All of us have to work on getting just 5 friends into erepublik.
That's it. Out of dozens of people we talk everyday and out of 100s of friends we have, if we can just convince 5 of them to try the game. Bring them in because India Needs help.

"Let us all get together, and show a true "Lagaan" Spirit in eIndia.
The Irani PTOer is the enemy and our motherland is at stake. Let us all decide today to convert ourselves from a finger to a fist.

All of us are a finger.. How to make a fist?

A fist is a team of 5 fingers who work together and accomplish tasks which are impossible for a finger. Same way, just imagine if you invite 4 more of your real life friends to come and play the game. And then imagine if you all work together. 5 people working together instead of 1. You guys can talk and plan who is going to run for congress and support him. You all can start company together and work in it to generate HUGE profits.
You all can stand up for each other in forums, Make sure that your friend is not bullied on.

Not only that.. imagine we have 150 active eIndians. If all of us invite 4 of our friends... we are upto 750 eIndians. (countries like Indonesia and Iran have around 1500 active people) Our active population is already half of 2 of the strongest countries in the eWorld. We will probably come to the top 25 strongest countries in a few months. And with our constant flow of new people and every new person forming a fist. We will be on the Zenith sooner than later.

We all see B-Booms happen and we all say, we need a B-Boom. Well Today more than ever we have an incentive to work on one. Our country was never at more danger than it is at now. Threat has shown itself and all our appeals to admins have yielded no results. So now we take matters in our hands. Let us get out and win it for ourselves. WIN IT FOR INDIA.

What should we do?
Goto your orkut/facebook... Send a message to all your friends, saying something like
"Hey I play this wonderful game online... blah blah. I know you guys may consider me a geek/nerd, but well can we do anything about it now? so lets get to the point.
In this game we enumerate the real world.. we have 50+ countries and all trying to be the best. India though has been far from the best. Destroyed by Pakistan, robbed by Italy, Destroyed By Indonesia.. no matter how hard we try, we are always beaten. Just because not enough Indians play the game. Yes, it is a game.. but the nationalist feelings and the patriotism in the game is unlike I have ever seen. People are willing to do anything for India.
I ask you one favor.. Join the game and help India, if you want you don't have to do much... You can just spend 1 minute a day and u would have done a LOT!! Please help me make India #1 in the game"

Once you are done with that, sit down and make a list of 4 friends who loves games and who respect you. Call them and ask them to join.
It doesn't matter if none of the orkut/facebook friends join... But the 4 friends u asked ARE YOUR FIST!

"Together we can save eIndia. Together we can bring a new eIndia.
A Pulsating new eIndia where even sky is not the limit."

