First Time in eRep I felt "important"

Day 1,006, 13:48 Published in USA USA by MISCmeatheadMilitia

I am not one to brag... ok maybe I am, but this isn't one of those articles.

For the first time in my eRep career I finally feel a sense of joy and a sense of comradery with my fellow eMericans.

Late last night, in a secret channel, there were a handful of combatants sitting, waiting and eventually grinding away at the Capital of Western Siberia.

At one point, well maybe actually 5 points, it looked as though we were going to take the Capital, when low and behold, some juiced up Russian was the lone survivor.

Sadly I can't quote any of the comments made due to their abrasive nature, which is fine by me, that’s how I like it...Raw and uncut.

But moving on, we found ourselves getting smaller in number as their hospital keep rejuvenating their robots at a rapid rate, all while our food consumption and money was running dry.

Many people had to bow out at this point and talk of taking the loss was present, myself included.

But as I sit at my desk, checking twitter, watching TV and drinking a shake, I along with other people realized.... hey! Their hospital is almost shot.... how much more can we grind away and is there enough people online to make a last push, as skynet was roaming the land collecting tiles.

In a last ditched effort and inevitably the one that won the war, Jankems said, post links.

We knew it was go time. Link upon link were showing up, there were still many people lurking in the shadows, watching, but there was a light, a maglight, shining on a war beaten path.

We had been given our additional “Bacon” and a collective, “Let’s FSU!” mentality kicked in once again.

People were all sorts of jazzersized and shouting out ZERK, ZERKING CAP, ZERKALICIOUS, etc etc

Sadly my adrenaline was pumping as a sense of enjoyment came over me.

For the first time ever, I felt like I was TRULY apart of something great and that I was helping out the greater good.

5-6 turns later, we found ourselves resting in the beds of ruskies

Victory was ours, most importantly, we never gave up, in retrospect Jankems never gave up and because of that we took one of the most valuable regions away from one of the most annoying groups of people this game has seen and will probably ever see.

I wasn’t aware of it at the time, but after looking at the battle stats, I found myself looking at a list and noticing something very strange… Out of all the eMericans that had fought, I placed #11. This shocked me at first, but then I said, Hell F’n Yeah! I felt as though I was “important” and that I had helped out my brothers and sisters.

I look forward to climbing that chart each battle (pending Bacon consumption)

Link to Original Size

Great Job everyone who participated in yesterdays battle.

And an even great applause to those of you who stuck around to the very end!