First Publish article in eRepublik

Day 566, 12:59 Published in USA USA by Miche Llorens


1) About the Editor
2)Word of the Day
3)Hope for Today
4)Wise Quotes
5)Leadership Quotes
6)Verse of the Day

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Hi there, thank you for taking time to read Your Morning Coffee. Now I know it not morning in fact it afternoon here in Florida where I live in real life, but I though I take the time to get some experience in publishing articles. For many of you that may not know me, my name is Michel Llorens( In eRepublik my name is mess up so sorry) But currently I'm 15 years old, I have a passion for politics and I hope that one day I would have the opportunity to become Governor of the Great State of Florida. My current residences is in Lehigh Acres so don't think about stalking me hahaha. But many of you may have heard of me as the crazy person who is running against Ananias, and yes I know it a crazy idea to run against an experience person, but it doesn't hurt to try right? Now I will be trying out to get into congress when the time comes hopefully I can have support on this decision that I will be making since I'm the type that likes to work on behalf of the people and always present the ideas to the the council. Now you may have question as to where I stand in certain issues so check out the following link Click and it may clear some question you have for me. Now if it doesn't you are more then welcome to pm me and I will answer back A.S.A.P since I'm on like more then 3-6 hours a day. So I hope you enjoy a little about the editor section, read on it will be consisting of; Word of the Day, Hope for today by( Joel and Victoria Osteen), Wise quotes, Leadership quotes, and last but not least a verse from the bible (sorry if I insult you in anyways with Christianity). So enjoy Your "Afternoon" Coffee 🙂

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Word of the day- vignette

1 : a running ornament or design (as of vine leaves, tendrils, and grapes) on a page

2 a : a picture (as an engraving or photograph) that shades off gradually into the surrounding paper
b : the pictorial part of a postage stamp

3 *a : a short descriptive literary sketch
b : a brief incident or scene (as in a play or movie)

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Hope for Today-

It's Time to Use Our Words to Declare Good Things

I once read an article about doctors who incorporated "talk therapy" to treat patients suffering with depression. Instead of medicating the problem, the doctors instructed the patients to start making positive declarations over their lives, saying such things as: "I have a bright future. People like to be around me. Good things are in store."

Some of the patients were depressed because they were facing life–threatening diseases and felt there was no hope. The doctor asked them, "Has anyone ever survived this disease?" The answers were always yes. So he told them, "Then I want you to start saying, 'I will make it. I will be one of the people who beats the odds.'"

Those patients obeyed the doctor's orders, and amazingly, many of them not only came out of their depression, but they also made full recoveries!

It's time to use our words to declare good things! Speak blessings over your life and your family. Throughout the day, say things such as, "I have the favor of God. I am strong and healthy. I'm well able to do what I need to do."

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Wise Quote-

If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.

~Henry Ford, on Money

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Leadership Quote-

You do not lead by hitting people over the head - that's assault, not leadership.

~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Verse of the day-

Do not be deceive😛 God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Galatians 6:7-9

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Mr. Michel Llorens
~Proud USWP Member
~Citizen of the eUSA
~Residence of the Great State of Florida
~Editor for Your Morning Coffee