First Month / Year in eRepublik

Day 4,059, 11:56 Published in Ireland Ireland by Celadori Cotis
End of Year Reflections

As we come to the end of another year, I wanted to reflect on the first steps that I have taken in this New World. I remember seeing the first description of eRepublik in a gaming magazine during my youth many years ago, and trying it out for a day I quickly bored of the odd mechanics and moved on to something with more action and instant reward. Something made me want to return when I saw the mobile app on my phone screen as I went to perform a routine update.

I do not know what inspired me to download the app, which quickly turned into a website visit when I understood just how "beta" was that iteration. But I am glad that I did.

So much of the value that this game provides is not in the economy or warfare modules, not in the fighting and training, but in the external community that the people foster. I have met many different "characters" in my time here, all with their unique motivations for playing the game; from desires to conquest territory, dominate politics, drive economies, or enjoy socialization, everyone has their own important reason for engaging with this system. And to eRepublik's credit, it provides a rather robust framework for those desires to play out.

This microcosm of democracy which allows for such a wide variety of social interaction, both harmonically and antagonistically, is really something to behold. Small groups of random friends, drawn together by common eHeritage, all vying for power within their party, country, and ultimately, world; this game is fascinating to be a part of and to watch unfold.

When I see my feed full of complaints about the current state of the game, it makes me excited, rather than demoralized. The fact that so many people have found it worthwhile to stay in this World for over a decade and still have the passion to discuss how to make it even better, more engaging, proves their long-term desire to stay in eRepublik. To draw so many together for so long and still inspire the passion to drive continuous improvement is a wonderful thing.

So to the country that I randomly chose to join - thank you for welcoming me so warmly! To those who have helped me with resources, mechanics and rules understanding, meta gaming, and political advice, I thank you (you know who you are.) To those I have yet to talk with - hello! I look forward to working with (or against) you in the coming days, months, and maybe even years.