First Days In Congress

Day 681, 15:18 Published in USA USA by Fionia

So I've been in Congress for almost a week now. And it has been quite a busy week...
A brief rundown:

Saturday: I'm sick. I can't concentrate on much of anything, so I write a brief article thanking people who helped me get elected, then lurk on IRC.

Sunday: I'm still sick. I lurk on IRC while attempting to do homework. I still can't concentrate on stuff.

Monday: I'm still sick, but doing better. I start reading through everything that seems pertinent on the eUS forums. I might have posted a few times. My memory from this weekend is rather fuzzy, probably due to my "sick, can't concentrate" state. I lurk on IRC. Some personal drama blows up.

Tuesday: Hey! I'm not sick! I continue to read over the forums, but I'm not posting much. I stay off IRC for the most part.

Wednesday: See Tuesday. Basically more of the same.

Thursday: That's today! I write this article, and then will probably read over the forums.

So, what have I learned in the past week-ish?
*I've learned a lot about a lot of different subjects, including some subjects that I knew nothing about before.
*I've learned that the incredibly basic and boring economics that I had to learn in school is not useful for trying to understand people's arguments on economic issues.
*I've learned that the timing of things can really screw with whatever plans you have to write an article, or really get down to work in Congress.

That's about all I can think to write for this article. For the reason mentioned above, I'm not going to make any promises for what I'm going to be able to write in my next article, or when it will come out. But I can say, I will see you again soon.