Fire and Ice

Day 784, 16:55 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Dagda

eDate: Day 784 of the New World

Because my last article was very successful and a lot of people found it informative, I have decided to continue my analysis. WWIV has really heated up over the last few days, and there is so much that needs to be looked at.

PEACE de Resistance

Today mass resistance wars have broken out in the recently conquered nations of eFrance, and eGermany.

In eFrance, eSpain is facing a resistance at eLower Normandy, ePoland is facing resistances at eAuvergne, and eLoire Valley. None of these walls show any likelihood of falling. At eAuvargne and eLoire Valley the wall stands at roughly 130k. At eLower Normandy the wall stands at roughly 75k, but there is a lot more time in this fight.

In eGermany, ePoland is facing resistance wars at eMacklenburg-Wester Pomerania, eSaxony-Anhalt, eSaxony, and eThuringia. All of these fights have about eight hours left. However, all of the walls stand at 135k or more. It appears that the resistances in eGermany have failed also.

The eUK and its Foothold in Mainland Europe

War continues to rage on between EDEN and Phoenix forces in Europe. The focus is shifting towards the eUK as the eUK looses two of its regions in mainland Europe. The eUK lost both eLower Normandy, and eFlanders to the eSpanish, but the eUK has managed to hang on to eBrussels. There is nothing particular special about these regions, other than the fact that they keep the war in mainland Europe and off the shores of the eBritish Isles.

Fighting back, the eUK attacked eLower Normandy in an attempt to win it back from the eSpanish. With 17 hours left in the battle, the wall stands just over 35k. A victory for the eBritish would be huge. It would do a lot to damage the momentum that EDEN has on this front, and it would delay an invasion of British Shores. This could be anyone's battle.

A Look Back at the Invasions of eFrance and eGermany
It is important to remember that both invasions took a great amount of time to accomplish. eSpain began its initial invasion of eFrance over two months ago. ePoland began its invasion of eGermany not long after that. Now this tells us a lot of things. One, these were not blitzkrieg like invasions, they took over a month to accomplish, and eFrance is not out of the fight yet. Two, there was substantial time for counter-attacks to take place. eFrance set up counter attacks three or four times, one of which yielded moderate success. eGermany set up one or two counter attacks, but got nothing out of it.

What we can see from the past gives us a little insight on what might happen in the invasion of the eUK. This invasion will most likely take longer than its two predecessors. This is because EDEN will be facing a much more difficult opponent. The eUK is harboring many refugees from eFrance, and eGermany. The eUK will likely be given a chance to counter-attack; such a counter-attack could stop EDEN's momentum in its tracks. These two things will give the eUK a better chance at holding of an invasion than eFrance or eGermany had.

The eUK's Defensive Positions
The eUK may face an invasion at three regions: East of England, Southeast of England, or the Southwest of England. These four regions are very heavily guarded by an impressive defensive system. At the East of England is a Q3 hospital and defense system, this is the weakest line of eBritish defense. At the Southeast of England is a Q5 hospital and Q4 defense system. At the Southwest of England is a Q5 hospital and Q3 defense system. At London is a Q5 hospital and defense system, this is the strongest point of the eBritish defense. London acts as a backup line and a point were counter-attacks can be made if need be. In these four regions is about 57% of the eUK's population. It is quite an impressive line of defense.

The Cold Front

There is a front in Europe that has been completely ignored throughout WWIV, yet it is a powder keg and could explode any minute. The line were EDEN and Phoenix forces meet, but have yet to fight is the eastern side of ePoland. To the east of ePoland lies Phoenix members eLithuania, eLatvia, eEstonia, and, the biggest of them all, eRussia.

eRussia ranks two ranks above ePoland at third, even though ePoland has over two times the population. eRussia's capital, eKaliningrad, neighbors ePoland and houses a Q5 hospital and defense system. These two titans could fight at anytime.

ePoland also borders an often overlooked eLithuania. ePoland has over ten times the population of eLithuania, and would probably win in a mono e mono fight. But with eLithuania's two Baltic brothers, eLatvia and eEstonia, and eRussia at its assistance, eLithuania might stand a chance.

ePoland may continue its eradication of Phoenix nations to the east, or eRussia may help its Phoenix buddies to the east with a preemptive strike. This is definitely a front to keep an eye on for the remainder of this war. Either side could snap here, which would give eEurope two separate fronts.

I hope you enjoyed this one as much as you did the previous. Vote, subscribe, and comment if you feel so. Thanks for reading!