Finnish re-procurement of Norway

Day 1,493, 05:15 Published in Norway Norway by Arthur Olavsson
Norway is lost
But all is not lost. We our very last region was ripped out of our hands to the Swedes, but hope still remains as the Finns retake our lost land. To aid our Finnish brothers soldiers should move to Nord-Norge, which was recently re-captured by the Finns. From there you can assist in the recapturing of Norwegian core-provinces.

To change a region you live in go to your profile and look under your profile picture, here it says your current region of living. Click on change, and in the menu that pops up choose the new region you want to move to.

A move to Nord-Norge costs 20NOK, if you do not have 20NOK you should contact the Norwegian military or contact me (This is only for movement to Nord-Norge).

Citizens who do not wish to participate in the battle should stay where they are and continue supporting the Norwegian cause by working everyday in Norwegian companies, earning NOK. But under no circumstances should you participate in a battle whilst in Sweden, as you will automatically join the Swedish side and fight against you battle brothers. This does not, however, regard restistance fights, as you must be in a Swedish region in order to participate.

Fight well and good, see you on the other side!

Gud være med dere, og alt for Norge!

Arthur Olavsson