Financial News and the Importance of Dissolving

Day 1,315, 18:55 Published in Canada Canada by Killswitch

Hello eCanada,


I had never heard of it until a few days ago. Basically, any company you have (except for those freebies from Plato) you can dissolve, or get rid of, for 5 GOLD! Fantastic, isn't it? But it gets better! The newspaper Bulgarian Messenger recently wrote an article on all the good things you can do with investing/dissolving companies. It informed me very much, and after tidying up my companies I'm producing more, losing less wellness, and I have more GOLD. That article can be found here if you're interested too, mind you it was written back when upgrades were 50% off.

Mo Bulgarian money, mo problems.

Another fantastic thing I recently found out too was this construction program being offered by the government. Basically, they reimburse you for purchases you make on your own land, and for even simple things like land purchases or upgrading companies. It's very beneficial because with this funding you can upgrade your land and become self-sufficient for little to no cost! I urge you all to read the article here and sign up.

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