Final words

Day 1,362, 01:31 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Firebourne

Well, the time is near. By tomorrow, everyone in their respective political party will be voting for their party's future.

I've pledged my support to reform Fundamentalists Party, to make it more relevant for eMalaysia's political future. I can't force everyone in Fundamentalists Party to vote for me. That's not right. Also, I'm not going to offer bribery to anyone who ask for it in exchange for votes.

I want people to be honest about their political beliefs. I need such honesty to know and understand exactly what the members of the party want and need. Only then I'll know whether members support my reform.

If I'm elected as leader of Fundamentalists Party, I'll try my best not to disappoint the members who have pledged their support for me. I'm determined as ever to reform this party.

Together, we can make this a strong and powerful party. Moderation will be the key to take eMalaysia to the next level, and for moderation to be strong in eMalaysia, we need a true liberal party.

Fellow Fundamentalists Party members, the future of the party is in your hands. I thank you all who have supported me so far. Tomorrow, we shall make a change, a difference, to take this party to the next level.

My decision to contest
My Manifesto
A Supporter's Reason

The End.
