Final Look at the Olympian Tax Rebate

Day 315, 19:17 Published in USA USA by Jordan Miller

First, thanks to everyone who responded with support for the idea.

The final report for the Olympian Tax Rebate is as follows:

-1500 USD total-

-200 USD sent to Olympian Red Cross, an SO account aimed at providing gifts and food to citizens nationally-

-1300 USD split evenly between the 36 responders. This will equal 36.11 USD each. I will be sending this out immediately after I write this article. If you do not receive your rebate, and you left a comment on the other article, please send me a PM and I will give you the 36 USD out of my own pocket-

Thank you all for trusting me as your mayor for 3 terms, I will truly miss the position.

-Mayor of Olympia, Jordan Miller