Final Congressional Update

Day 492, 05:52 Published in USA USA by HeadmistressTalia

First, I want to congratulate Claire Littleton for beating me in the Congressional elections yesterday - you sure know how to bring out the vote! We got more than twice the number of votes this month as in previous months and I hope this trend continues.

That being said, here is how I voted in the last part of my term. There were a lot of "LULZ" proposals made for the sake of getting experience (dirty little secret - every time you vote in congress you get 1 experience point). Anyway, I voted NO on all the lulz proposals, so they're not recorded below.

Proposal (VAT/Import/Income) : Vote
MPP w/Sweden : Yes
Presidential Impeachment : Yes
MPP w/Spain : Yes
Donate 9285 MXN to Ft Knox : Yes
Donate 28000 USD to Florida Commerce Bank (Q5 Hospital) : Yes
Donate 1015 ATS to Ft Knox : Yes
Donate 20000 USD to Ft Knox : Yes
Impeachment : Yes
New Citizen Message : Yes
Donate 4000 USD to Meals on Wheels : Yes
Issue 30000 USD for 150 GOLD : No
Q5 Hospital for New Jersey : Yes
MPP w/Romania : Yes
Donate 10,000 USD to USQMG : Yes
Donate 75000 USD to Ft Knox : Yes

As always, I love to hear from you. So don't hesitate to comment!