Fighting: The Not-So-Much-Of-A-Guide

Day 1,172, 03:33 Published in South Korea South Korea by Allen Wells
FIGHTING: The Not-So-Much-Of-A-Guide

Picture Scarce Edition!

What is fighting? I can shoryuken yet?

To make it simple, it's what happens when you go to the homepage, click a little green "Fight" button next to one of the war campaigns and proceed to click that big red "FIGHT" button.

Glowing button...


Stop what you're doing and go buy some bread. Apparently, you do more damage the healthier you are, so stock up on that bread. Besides, it isn't dangerous to always keep yourself at a good level of health.

My dameag so low, how i headshot!?

Well, you can't do that, but what you can do is buy weapons. Going to the market and clicking that gun reveals five qualities of weapons. In my experience, the Q5 Tank did do more damage than the little Q1 Gun, but it wasn't much of a difference if my enemy had near full health because the shot from the Q5 Tank wouldn't obliterate him. My advice is for you to just use Q1 weapons, unless you mean the srs bsns and want to go all out big guns.

Battle Hero? Erm, I'm clueless and what is this?

A Battle Hero is the person who currently holds the most amount of influence gained for one side. It generally isn't a good idea to try to aim for this, since someone stronger than you who deals 3000 influence per fight is sure to come by. Don't attempt, unless you happen to be that Romanian Tank who puts my 400s to shame.

Durr, why should I spend all my monies on this?

You shouldn't spend all of it in two goes, but you should try to fight even just a few times when a battle is available. Don't make the same mistake like me and try to "save money" if you intend on ever fighting in the future. If I remember correctly, influence gained is influenced by your rank, and if that's true, it's less productive to be one-hitting enemies with your smelly trout while you're a low rank, when you could be one-hitting enemies with an even smellier trout and getting more influence!

Gee whiz, you make such a big deal about it. Well then, how can I be prepared?

Well, you can't actually prepare the trout, but you can go to that "training" area after working and click that big "train" button. If you want to know specific details and calculations about the boosters, there should be an old article somewhere with them. Might've been Grease's newspaper.

Anything else?

Comment on how this guide has affected you, and go read some real guides written by sensible people.

I can't imagine the after, it's just so unpredictable! :C