Fighting the invasion and the trolls

Day 1,312, 11:57 Published in USA USA by Morrigan Alexandros
Invasion stuff
The invasion continues and we continue to lose regions. Thankfully, this morning we scored a win in Wisconsin. \o/

Now, Spain thinks it is clever and has opened up a Resistance War in New Mexico. Do not fall for this American and allies. DO NOT FIGHT THERE. Click here for more info. After I whipped everyone into shape and got them on the right track, things seem to be much better. Now, let’s not waste that much damage there.

Please make sure you are following orders and are in some military unit. Even if it is for the time being. We need to be able to get orders out swiftly.

Word of Inspiration


Great articles in eUSA Media

*This invasion has spurred the creative sides of several people. One of them is Sir Valorum Volcrum. His articles are both inspiring and exuding the leadership America is looking for. Be sure to read An America in Conflict. Subscribe to his newspaper.

*Gnilraps has written up a very brilliant Victory Plan. The sheer genius of this plan is enough to follow it.

*George Armstrong Custer features the super tanks of each eUS Military branch in the eUSA. And, I am the one in TC! Yay!

Trolling of eUSA media

There is much trolling in eUSA’s media these days. Maegalodonus, a Hungarian citizen, even wrote a rather long, albeit boring, comment on my last article: In the face of our darkest times. But, the issue is not the’s how boring and unimagitive it has become. It is getting boring trolls, my eyes are glazing over the trolling and making me sleepy. Troll smarter please. Make it worth my time to read your comments.

To make matters worse, despair has taken root in some eUS citizens like Kris Hasa, who has chosen to lash out, complain and blame eUS people and call us scum. I urge people NOT TO VOTE or SUBSCRIBE to this pathetic excuse of a temper tantrum. Mr. Hasa, I am fighting for this country whilst you are heralding its downfall. Please STFU and fight.

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