Fighting guide for eCanadian Soldiers 2.0

Day 1,323, 17:04 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Jsboutin
Désolé pour l'absence de français, mais le guide est foutument long, et je crois qu'il me faudrait trop longtemps pour le traduire pour ue ce soit rentable. Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas.

Table of contents:

1) Training
2)Food vs. Weapons
3)Military Units
4)Choosing a battle
6)Health timer


In recent days, tons of changes have been made to the game. First, health changes, then the health timer, to mini-battles closing as soon as someone reaches 1800. It’s time to make a newer version of my fighting guide for the use of Canadian citizens.

Experienced soldiers might prefer starting at chapter 3 : Military units, or even 5 : Health timer. The first paragraphs might however prove to be a useful reminder.

1) Training

First off, Ceasar’s Battles training (100😵 is horrible. It is worthless. Understood? AWFUL.

How should you train? Pretty simple : What is your daily gold income after usual spending (food)? Personnally, I would give more priority to food than training, but more to training than weapons, but it’s everyone choice : Just remember that on the long run, strength is more useful than rank points.

If it is over 1,79G/day : Fairly simple, use napoleon every day.

If it is over 0,19G/day : Use the 50% booster every day, and when you finally get a small pile of money (1,79G and more), use Napoleon Victories (+200😵.
If it’s under 0,19G/day : Accumulate the gold you can every day, and use the 50% booster whenever possible to you.
2) Food vs. Weapons

This one is very simple : Always invest on food first, then on weapons. There is no point in buying weapons if you can’t fight as much as you can, even barehanded. Only when you have enough food to use all your food fights and your training should you buy weapons.

When you buy weapons, anything less than Q5 is worthless. A simple way to look at it is that :

Damage * Uses/Price Will always be greater on Q5s weapons : They hit harder, and more times than other weapons. They’re the best, and everything else is pretty much worthless unless you make them yourselves. And even then, you should sell them to buy the real stuff.

3)Military Units

This is the beginning of the actual fighting part of this guide. You should join a military unit to receive funding in order to fight more effectively, as much as possible, and on the best possible targets.

There are 2 main MUs in Canada. First, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), which has the highest membership and is the official military of eCanada. Second comes TCO, which is not half bad either, just less cool in my opinion (Kidding 😛, although I do really prefer the CAF, but I do have a bias).

Being in one of these MUs will ensure you can get the latest orders directly from the top of the chain-of-command. Other available MUs, Captains of Industry, Milice Franco-Canadienne or HOPE, for exemple, target different groups of players who are usually less focused on the military type of things or just have less time, which is ok too.

Anyway, join one of these as soon as possible, my recommendation being the CAF for sheer awesomeness and great people.

4) Choosing a battle

Now, of course, this part is easier if you just go check your orders from your MU, otherwise, you can usually notice a “Campaign of the Day” on your main page. Fighting in it is a great way to make sure your damage wasn’t totally wasted.

Otherwise, check the shouts from your friends. If they’re all indicating the same battle, it’s a good chance it’s a good place to drop your fights.

When choosing a battle, check the following :

Timer : 30 seconds left to the round? Might as well wait, eh?
Current score : If More than 20 minutes passed in the battle and one side has 60% or more of the wall, consider the round over.
Current number of minibattles won/lost : No use in fighting if we’re losing 7 to 1 in the mini battles. The campaign is lost, even if the wall for this particular round looks good. However, if WE are up 7 to one, it might be a good idea to close the round ASAP, so fight in there as long as the wall is good.
Mastercard tanks: If someone on the other side has 6 783 256 influence or so (Remember the alfagrem vs. Canada days?), fighting is no use, until you too have a mastercard and are ready to top it up (By all means go for it if you want to 😛)

Common sense and knowledge of the game mechanics are really your best tools in this area.

This is no substitute for a military unit’s support, but using these steps will make you a much smarter fighter.

5) Timing

Timing is arguably the most important factor in erepublik fighting, if you ignore the strength of the countries at war. Timing is what wins or loses close battles.

Usually, most people will fight towards the beginning of the round, trying to rake in the most points as soon as possible. For independent fighters, this is the best course of action : A high wall soon will often make your enemies not fight or reluctant to fight. Again, there are subtleties that can’t be included in such a guide, targeted towards your average fighter and not to military unit leaders. If you get ordered to fight at weird times, it might come from factors such as alliance timed strikes or pancanadian strikes or coordination with a tank, for example.

6) Health timer

The health timer really was a great addition to the game : You can now maximize your health use, and not have to wait 6 hours for a recharge.

The timer only runs while you have some health left to recover : Wether you’re at 590/600 recoverable health or 0/600 doesn’t matter, you will still have the timer going on. That’s why, even if there’s like 10 minutes left to a battle, you’re better off hitting once and recovering health if you are at 600/600 (Or at your max, whatever it is). This way, you’ll get your timer running and will be able to recover earlier, which means fighting more in the long run.

And don’t forget, more fights mean a better rank sooner, but make sure you can afford them!


First off, thanks for reading! I hope to receive some feedback on that gide, along with suggestions, possible improvements, etc. In order to make it as complete as possible. If anything isn’t obvious or anything, give me a heads up!

If you don’t want to be commenting in public or whatever, feel free to PM me, I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

See you on the battlefield,