Fighting and Wellness

Day 802, 13:09 Published in Norway Georgia by Endymionis

This is a small guide to wellness, one of the most important aspects of the game. Not only does it keep you alive. It is one of the most important factors in determining how productive you are at work and how much damage you do in battles.

Although not always possible, as a general rule you should aim for at least 90 wellness by the end of the day.
There are fortunately several ways to increase you wellness.

Food and House

The Quality of your Food and your House combine to give you a wellness boost by the end of each day. If you have low wellness the gain will be bigger than if you have high wellness, so the higher the wellness you have, the more difficult it is to increase you wellness.

Gifts and Wellness boxes

Gifts are a good way to increase your wellness. The only way you can use gifts is to get someone else to send them to you. Ask your friends, ask on irc or just shout it. Most people will be happy to help, especially if you have low wellness. (i.e. under 40)
Your wellness can be increased by 10 each day with gifts.

Wellness boxes are in my opinion quite expensive so I won't talk much about them. They cost 2 gold and increase your wellness by 10. You can use

Fighting and Hospitals

In order to use the Hospital you must first fight in a battle. Of course you must also live in a region with a hospital.
Right now eNorway has two regions with Hospitals and there will be more soon. Those regions are Vestlandet and Ostlandet.

Lately there has been very few battles for eNorwgians, but it looks like that's starting to change.
You can find a war by subscribing to Forsvarsnytt:">

You must have over 40 wellness in order to Fight. Every time you fight in a battle you loose 10 wellness and when you use the hospital you gain 50 wellness, but you can only use the Hospital once per day.
I would recommend that if your wellness is not very high you only fight once or twice before you use the hospital.
Remember, the higher you wellness is by the end of the day, the more damage you will do in your next battle.

- Endy