Fighting and Wellness

Day 477, 15:48 Published in USA Israel by Moishe

By now it should be well known amongst nearly everyone that you can fight in a war and then get wellness back up to 100%.

Just in case there are those who need step by step information on how this is done I will attempt to present this small tutorial:

Step 1: Finding the Battle

To find any current battles in which to fight the method I use is to click on "My Places" and then "Army". Once on that page scroll down to the bottom to where it says "Active Wars". That presents a page listing all wars, both those with active battles and those without. Look for battles involving the USA and then under "details" it should have "1 active battles" (it may show more than 1.) See the following image:

Step 2: Joining the Battle

Click on the word "details" as shown in the previous image. It will take you to the battle screen. A portion of that screen is shown in the next image:

Notice where it says "Go to Battlefield". If you want to fight in this battle then that is what you have click.

Step 3: Fighting

Fighting is pretty simple. You will see a big bluish rectangle with the word "fight" within it. (See image.) Click on "Fight"!

Notice your wellness. If your state has a Q5 hospital you can fight until your wellness is between 40 and 50. If your state has a Q4 hospital then fight until your wellness is between 50 and 60. For a Q3 hospital fight until your wellness is between 60 and 70, etc.

Step 4: Back to the Battlefield

After you fight you can click on "Fight Again" (if your wellness is still high enough) or "Back to Battlefield" (to get to the hospital.)

Step 5: Going to the Hospital

If you are finished fighting and ready to get some wellness then you need to go Back to the Battlefield (as shown in the previous image) and then click on "Hospital" as shown in the next image.

Step 6: Getting Some Healing

Once at the hospital click on "Heal" as shown in the next image. Remember you can only use the hospital once per day and then only after fighting.

Good fighting! And Be Well!