Fight until the bitter end.

Day 1,104, 10:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Humphrey Appleby

The army and Phoenix has been instructed by Jamesw to not fight in London.

As a Major-General of the Army, and a Member of Parliament for London, I wish to countermand this directive (though it is far beyond my authority to do so).

It is against British nature to concede defeat.

Fight in London till the bitter end.

I expect every citizen of the eUK to do their duty, and to stand with me; despite overwhelming odds against us, in the defence of both the virtues and dignities of our people.

You ask, what is our policy? It is victory, victory no matter the costs, victory no matter how hard the enemy strikes against us. We will always manage, despite fates judgement against us, to hit back harder.

They may do their worst; and we shall do our best.

Sir Humphrey Appleby.