Fight for your economy, America!

Day 622, 14:41 Published in USA USA by Teucer

Americans, you have been reading many articles asking you to think and take time to guide your decisions. Some of these involve where to fight, who to vote for, or whether you want peace or continued fighting. Well today I ask you to take an extra few seconds to support the American economy. There are many PEACE supporters abusing our markets and using our jacked up prices and our currency fluctuation against us to make money. I urge you to use these tips and make a pro-American choice whenever you need to purchase goods or currency.

1) Goods

Whenever you need to buy food, weapons, gifts, or any other goods I ask you to please buy American. Take the extra time to see if the company you intend to buy food from is here in the United States. Simply click on the company and check the location, it takes maybe an extra 5 seconds to load the page, but will make a real difference in the war. Now you ask, “But that may not be the cheapest offer and I want to save money, what should I do?” Well keep going down the list until you do find a suitable company, even if it’s a few cents more. Buying American products helps keep American companies in business and keeps American workers making solid wages.

2) Currency

Whenever you go to exchange currency and choose to buy I ask that you also check who you’re buying from here. The currency market is not like the regular market where people have to have a license to sell. Absolutely anyone with some spare gold can get involved and many PEACE operatives like to mess with the USD market as well as our allies. So again, when you go to buy take an extra second to see who you’re buying from. If you’re on the sell gold/buy USD market I’m sure there will always be an American in the top few spots, so take the time to find one before buying. An extra 0.001 or so USD will make practically no difference to you and will help that American make money. If you’re on the sell USD/buy gold market just find the first American org or citizen you see since they’ll all be offering at the same exact amount.

DO NOT buy gold or USD from trangeFrange or duploGolo, they are PEACE!

3) Buying and Selling USD

I ask all Americans on the MM to not devalue our currency to try and make a quick sell or make easy money. Do not sell gold above 55.555 USD per gold and do not sell USD below 0.019 gold per USD. We need to stabilize our currency back to 0.02 gold per USD and this is the best way possible.

I know many readers are not super savvy on the MM, but just follow this guide and you’ll be helping the eUS immensely. As I read recently in an article by Lowell Kennedy, “Tactics can win battles, economies will win wars.” Americans, support YOUR economy! Buy American!