Fight for Brozil

Day 1,179, 09:19 Published in USA USA by Turd Fergusen

America. A great injustice has been done by our military leaders. Brozil, our ally is being attacked, yet our military is not fighting for them? Brazil lost a battle yesterday because the military refused to send troops. Why do our military leaders refuse to send soldiers to a member of our own alliance, then simultaneously complain at the lack of allied support when we are under attack?

Our military clings in desperation to the old alliances. They do not realize that times have changed. Spain is not our ally anymore. They have choosen their side, and it is NWO, an alliance that has openly admitted it wants to see us destroyed. By not fighting for Brazil, Turkey, Argentina, ect, our military accomplishes only the dissolution of the members of our new alliance. Already Brazil is begining to question the role of the USA in the alliance. Its embarassing to watch as the rest of PANAM (or whatever its name is now) works together, fights together, and plans militarily together, while the USA sits back and does nothing. Our brilliant military leaders complain that "oh, but the USA hasn't recieved Brazilian support in any recent battles!" This goes both ways. How can we expect that our new allies Brazil, Turkey, Argentina, France, ect to fight for us, if we don't even bother sending any of our troops to support them!? Its completely ridiculous in my opinion.

We now have a chance to right that which is wrong and defend our ally's homeland
Fight for Brozil.

This guy wants to be your friend^
Oblige him.

Edit: DoD published civilian orders to fight for Brazil
I will not delete because my complaints against military decisions to not support Brazil in prior campaigns are still legitimate.