Day 544, 01:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by South West Regional Council

Peeps of the South West. There is a war involving us now, if you live in the south west.. Fight 3 times (3 times only) and then use this link and click on hospital and "heal".

You can only fight 3 times in the South West because we only have a Q3 hospital and so it only heals 30 wellness. If you can follow my maths then every time you fight you lose 10 wellness and so adding 30 wellness shoots you back up to how you were!

Alternatively, fight once and heal then you get 20 more wellness then you did originally. Meaning you will get paid more in your job.

OR! If you want to fight 5 times, contact me and I shall give you 2 moving tickets and instructions on how to move to N.Ireland and then fight 5 times (they have a Q5 hospital), heal and then come back to the South West.

OR! Fight once in N.Ireland, heal 40 more points. (you can have a maximum of 100 wellness).