Fight and make a profit when gov isent Borked

Day 3,359, 11:18 Published in USA USA by Gabrielz_Horn

there will be a tl;dr section for eletass

Hello all as you know i am getting very close to level 35. Back in the day level 35 was a cut-off point for alot of players restricting there level with the amount of strength they had. Usually 50k for level 35 was not unheard of. Now with the introduction of intelligence and air battles getting more rank requires you to level and its time to take the training wheels off. So i did research on NON LEVEL REQ. ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS

And i wanted to bring you some awesome news about the current state of government programs and party programs that can assist you in making a profit in erepublik and make your transition from level 35 to 100 as smooth and as fast pace as possible... BUT SADLY I CANT! they have fallen into disrepair and are not being filled properly. here they are in a nutshell.

Gov. Programs

Arm America: this is gona be your bread and butter once you pass level 35. but there is a trick to it you have to wait for it... (as some of you realize i have been shouting one specific battle in discord it is the combination of an air battle Daily Order which also qualifys for Arm America) the wait time is usually every 3 hours from start of battle and depending how many there are (gov. putting out good priority battles in a paper) If gov was smart they would try and stager the start of each battle by an hour so that there are air battles every hour on the hour but ill leave that mechanic alone for now.

here is where the program gets interesting!

This is wrong on alot of levels...
1. we give you tax money to run these programs individuals should not be funding it! I dont care how elite you are! DO THE WORK and put out media letting people know you will only be funding parts of programs.

2. This is also a communist tactic tell the tax payers im using my own money so you can guilt them into not wanting exactly what they took the time to fill out the red tape and get!

3. yes gov when you create a form for people to fill out its called a contract both partys are liable if you say food and weapons give food and weapons not just food and say im not giving you weapons your gona sell them (sheesh talk about tring to know the mind of god)

MoW: In my haste to publish i almost forgot Meals on Wheels not to be marginalized this program offers Q3 food. I tried to ask how much it was per person but i think it all depends on the energy you put into the fight. it was filled the day before i filled it a second time and got 83 Q3 food this would easily feed me for the battle energy i expended.

Stack the Wall: not to be misconstrued with (BU2SU witch has a requirement that ends your ability to collect the program after the level you are on when you complete upgrading your TG's) Stack the wall was an awesome Program that did not req a level and i was gona write about it till i found out they axed the program because they thought heck we have BU2SU its the same thing! no its not even close sorry all you marginalized level 75 players you dont get to level 100 as fast cause all your TG's are upgraded and no more StW!

Party programs

NFLB: This program is ran by the Fed Party it is an excellent program that gives Food, Weapons, Cash and for the extra poor out there they have housing assistance! This program is opulence to the max but sadly ever since i turned it over. The filling of this program has been spotty at best. which means i dont get the supply's when i need them.

Rainy Day Cash: This program is ran by the SFP Yes that is really the link to rainy day cash as you can tell wooky jack runs this program. and from what i gathered it used to be the old rainy day tanks or tanks for tots program but they decided to get rid of the middle man and just give everyone gobs of cash.

Fast Forwar😛 This program is ran by USWP although on speaking with the party leader he literally tells me its a joke and that it dosent work anymore because they have gobs of gold that they hand out to all there new players must be great but with nothing official is underwhelming.

we the people: Nothing!!

My first article that actually req a TLDR section WHOHOO!

Arm America: wait for it... (Money Shot!)
MoW: Mmmm... (trench food)
StW: wait for it...
NFLB: BOOM!! but hurry up droppin us the bombs
SFP: congrats only other top 4 partys that has a program
USWP: hmm wait what?

And if there are any party programs out there that want to drop me a msg to add your program hurry while i can still edit and ill slip it in here!